Chapter 16 - The Stare

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-Tylers P.O.V-

Jason was back but he was scaring me. Anyone that would come close to me he would give a cold glare.

He would follow me. He would glare people away and he made sure I sat by just him at lunch or whatever freetimes we had.

*time skip two days*

Jason was herding me to the table we have been sitting at for the past few days. He sat down with his lunch and looked at me telling me with his glare to sit down.

I didn't I turned around and walked to Liams table.

"Ahhh Tyler is back!" Scott said as he hugged me then kissed my cheek.  "Welcome back bro," Naomi said," I haven't been able to talk to you for the past few days without getting THE STARE."

Everyone at the table stopped and did an impression of Jasons stare.

"You guys did that all at the same time. How long did it take to get to that down perfectly?" I said almost laughing because of Scotts face.

"Just a few minutes." Liam said in a matter-of-factly tone crossing his arms.

"Yeah well im going to Jason's house to talk to him about it I have had enough of it."

Liam snorted then stopped ,"Wait your being serious."

"Yeah, what if he hurts you?" Scott said with concern as the bell rang signaling lunch was over.

We got up to throw our trays away.

"He's my boyfriend. He won't hurt me."

I said before walking towards the band hall.


I walked out the doors of the school to the bus lane but was stopped. By Jason.

"Do you want a ride?" He said harshly.

I nodded quickly,"Yeah to your house."


We entered his house and there was no one there considering his parents worked all day everyday.

"Jason I need to ta-" I was cut off by being slammed into the wall.

"He kissed your cheek and you left me for them." He hissed into my ear.

"It's fine! Jason he kisses everyones cheek!" I said quickly being scared from his sudden actions.

He grabbed me from the wall and said,"You're mine not theirs."

I pushed Jason to the ground ,being a little taller and slightly stronger.

I sat on his legs so he didn't kick at me and held his arms down.

"Listen to yourself Jason! I'm not property!" I calmed my self down a little bit.

"I'm your boyfriend. I love you but this needs to stop." He was still glaring at me.

I continued,"I can't do this Jason." He stopped struggling.

"What do you mean Tyler?" He said quietly.

I leaned down and kissed him. "You need some time to think. I need some time to think. You know exactly what I mean."

I got off him slowly and grabbed my bookbag and walked home.
~&Authors Note&~

:3 hi guys.

Thank you princess21092 for the idea she helped and I added a few things.

I hope you like it.

QOTC: What favorite band atm?

AOTC: Fall Out Boy.


Bye my colors!!!

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