Chapter 11 - Keep him where he is.

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A/N: Make Out session right here otay soooo.... don't read if you don't like this stuff. Most of this was written by BROTATOLOVE while some was from me.

-Jasons P.O.V-

He leaned down and lightly kissed me. I kissed back my hands cupping his face and his arms wrapping around my hips.

We broke apart and I backed up so he could get off the counter. He engaged us into another kiss this one more forcefull. I returned it with the same amount of force if not more.

He pushed me into the wall his strength surprising me. He cupped my face and kissed me. I kissed back and he pushed me even closer to the wall. All the sudded being dominant. I tried to see if I could flip us so he was on the wall with my hands. He grabbed them to stop them then pinned them next to the sides of me. Keeping me where I was.

He picked me up with my legs around his waist and continued to kiss me. I nibbled his bottom lip and he knew what i wanted to prove. That I was dominate not him. He opened I fought and fought but he was still surprising me with this. He won and we continued. He carried me to the living room and on to the couch.

He sat with his back to the arm rest and I leaned down kissing him. He grabbed my shirt and held it tight.

He nibbled my lip softly and his grip on my shirt loosened as his hand trailed down to the top button unbuttoning the shirt. Just before he took it off. I heard the door in the foyer open.

We broke away from each other fast and he started fixing his beanie and I hurriedly buttoned my shirt back up.

"Jason? Do you know where my phone is?!" My mom said walking into the kitchen and shifting through papers.

Tyler grabbed it from the coffee table and brought it to her. She thanked him and left quickly.



"I have a question I think I may know the anwser to but I still need to ask."

"Hit me."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I will," he said then kissed my cheek.

He ran to the kitchen and came back with his things. He gave me the case and the first year book.

"That's an old book and flute you can keep it for a little bit."

"Thank you, did you bring yours also?"

"No, I know how to play how am I going to teach you if im playing. "

I grabbed the case and he put his hand on top of mine and slowly pushed it to the ground making me drop the case.

"I think we were inturepted and she's gone." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Then kissing me and leaning into me.

~&Authors Note&~

(○°°○)... I feel like I should tell you that tyler and jason are not going to do anything just yet but make out.


They are just going to continue making out....

I can't write that it was hard for me to write this. It's also like the first real-ish makeout session I have wrote.

QOTC: Can you write and read smut or makeout sessions?
(Im not looking for someone to write any for me.)

Bye my colors!!!



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