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It's been a week after that amazing day. I and Tom have already made our relationship official. Everything was going well and good. I was not in hospital. I took a day off. Tom is not in London. He went the next day of my birthday. According to him, He gonna come back today. I am really missing him.

I opened my Instagram and scrolled it. I found a picture of me and Tom but the caption of it made my broke.

"XXX Hospital's Dr. Y/N dating famous actor Tom Hiddleston. What could be the reason-- Money or fame?"

I tried to ignore those posts but that was not the only one. I can't believe it. I was slightly broken. I threw my phone on the couch and went to take shower. I decided to buy somethings for Tom. Some gifts which could make him happy.

I wore a normal outfit but covered my face so that no one could recognize me. This way I could also know the truth.

I walked out  and went to a shop to buy some flowers. There were few people. I started finding perfect flowers.

"Hey, you know, Y/N Kapoor is engaged with Tom Hiddleston" One said.

"Yes, I don't like Y/N at all. I mean why did Tom took this step? She is not so beautiful. There are thousands of girls." Another said.

"Maybe as pity" First one said.

I couldn't handle anymore and left the shop without buying anything. I went to a cake shop cause I know Tom loves cake. 

" I am not in support of Tom and Y/N. I mean she is not good for him" I heard someone saying. I went near her.

"Why do you think?" I asked with a normal voice.

"Why not? I mean look when she was young her parents died and when she found Tom's mother, because of her she died. She has some evil spirit. I am really worried about Tom." She said with a shrug. I was taken aback.

"I don't think she has any of it." I said trying so hard not to break my voice.

"Even if she doesn't who knows she is marrying Tom only for money and fame. We all know about Emma. What if that Y/N turned into a girl like Emma. What if she is also a gold digger?" She said.

That broke me down. People think our love is just a play? I went out again without cake. How could I stand at a place where you are made evil for your deeds?

Tired of listening to what people thinks about me. I sat on a bench in the park. Tears continuously flown through my eyes. I was wrong. Nothing is good. Then only someone sat next to me.

"Hey dear, Why are you crying?" she asked.

"I thought our relationship is good but after listening to what other's think about it, I can't talk it anymore." I said.

"I know relationships these days are always with money not with the person. Now just look at Tom Hiddleston. His Ex was a gold digger and now he is engaged to a doctor. I mean anything could happen but a relationship between a doctor and an actor can never be successful. And I heard it from somewhere that he was found kissing any girl who was definitely not Y/N" She said.

"What?" I asked being shocked.

"Yes, I am not sure tho but could happen." She said.

"Why do you think so?" I asked.

"I told you right now. We thought Emma was good but see what she turned out.Y/N is just next in the list. And if that kissing thing is true so this clearly shows, Tom has no less girls." She said.

I was speechless.I couldn't take it anymore. Then only her phone rang. 

"Well I have to go now." She said and I nodded.

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