Chapter 0《First meet》

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The silence wind was whispering outside on the somewhat noisy street. A male with brown hair and eyes, with a blue hoodie was the first thing to be caught on site as his foot steps quietly hit the solid pavement that were right underneath him.

His arms were carrying something large yet still smaller compare to the male.

A loud click that seem to be louder  then the wind was hear as he put the small yet large figure into the passenger seat before walking to the other side onto the driver's seat.

The moment he got into the car and turn it on the heat was what he had met. He turn his head to the small figure before brushing some of its (H/c) hair of there face revealing the little ones close eyes.

The male gave out a sigh before pulling out of the parking spot and driving off.

The little figure was sitting on the floor of the livingroom looking around. It had woken up a couple of mins ago noticing there surroundings were different from the streets instead there were in a house with lovely decorations.

The figur was so distracted by there surroundings that they didn't notice a other figure walking up behind them before the little relieves it they been lifted of the ground.

???: Come on (Y/N) you need to eat something.

The younger figure look up at the older one.

His chocolate brown eyes met with her bright (E/c) before she gave a nod.

Who was carrying little old (Y/N)?

Well it was none other then Dipper Pines, a 20 year old adult.

Dipper: Okay come on.


2 and a haft years

2 and a haft years past and still no signs about little (Y/N) parents, as much as the police tried there was nothing almost like the disappear out of the existing earth.

It was unnoticeable for two figures that seems to forgotten about the little one parents.

Dipper grow attached to the little girl without a stop and counting taking care of her like his own child , which actually turned her into part of the pine family without realization.

As time went on the little girl seemed to continue to enjoy the older male couponing only see him as her only family.

Dipper was currently on his laptop as (Y/N) played with some toys on the floor near were Dipper was babbling to herself.

The doorbell got both humans attention. Dipper stood up walking towards the door as (Y/N) counting on playing.

When Dipper open the door he was immediately jumped on knocking Dipper to the ground.

Dipper opens his eyes just to meet the same colors eyes as him.

Dipper: Mabel!?

Mabel: HI BRO-BRO!!!

Dipper: Mabel what are you doing here? I thought you were in Gravity Falls!?

Mabel: Well you haven't visited for...I don't know 2 years!!! You only called and facetime!!! You never came!!!

Dipper pushed Mabel off him and got up, Mabel doing the same and looking back up at Dipper waiting for an answer.

Dipper: Well you see...I just don't want to...?

Mabel look at him with a 'really' look.

Mabel: Dipper do you expect me to believe that? Because I don't. Sooo what cha hiding?

Dipper sighed knowing he couldn't hid anything from his twin sister.

Dipper: Ok but please don't freak out or you'll probably scare her.

Mabel raised an eyebrow but shrug it off.

Dipper walked into the livingroom, seeing (Y/N) still playing with her toys before turning around when she heard Dipper's footsteps. Her arms went up doing a grabbing movement with her hands wanting to be picked up.

Dipper picked her up and left the livingroom with (Y/N) in his arms.

Mabel gasped a bit when she saw the little figure in her twin brother's arms, trying her best to keep a squeal.

Mabel: Dipper, you never told me you had a kid!

Dipper: Well...I kind of adopted her.

Mabel: OH this gives you more then enough reason to move to Gravity falls!!

Dipper was a little shock. Not liking the fact that living in a place where a whole bunch of supernatural creatures were. She only 4!! She doesn't know how to survival a creature attack!!

Dipper blinked a bit looking at Mable as she left the room with (Y/N) in hand.

Dipper: Yea how about no.

Mabel look at her twin in confused.

Mabel: Why!? You always wanted to live there! Why not do that now that way to not bother letting this little cutie be sad that she has to leave everything that she has here when she grow up!

Dipper sighed. She may have a point but he didn't want something terrible to happen.

Mabel:  I know you don't want to risk her getting hurt but if we have a close eye on her then you'll might be able to live there.

Dipper sighed once more
He can't believe he doing this.

Mabel was sitting on the floor playing with (Y/N) while talking to Dipper.

Mabel: So were keeping (Y/N) a secret until you come to Gravity falls?

Dipper: Yup, I don't want them to get a suprise thorugh facetime or a call.

Mabel: Ok, also are you staying in the Mystery shack until everything good in the house.

Dipper: Yea *closes laptop* Come on let's get something to eat before counting this.

Mabel got up and picked up the little girl before walking to the kitchen.

For now on I guess things are going to get interesting, little one.

Chapter 0 end

Word count: 945

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