We were standing there peacefully chatting with each other when we heard someone start being loud and insulting the Slytherin house.

"What issue do you have with the Slytherins? Have they ever done anything to you?" I questioned

"They are slimy snakes. All of them are death eaters!" a redhead exclaimed

"That is factually incorrect, though. Not all of them are death eaters. How would you feel if people called you a death eater because of the few from your house were such?" I asked, "How would you feel if people held prejudice against you just because of the few? How would you feel if people judged you based on your house before they actually got to know you?"

He didn't respond, just stood there staring at me.

"That's what I thought. Keep your mouth shut if the only thing to come out of it are judgments about people before you get to know them." I said before turning around

"You are just like those slimy snakes," the boy sneered.

"What did you just say?" I questioned threateningly

"You heard me."

"I guess you never learn. Gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say you are going to be put in Gryffindor. You are loud, obnoxious, and you don't seem to be the brightest; because while you are over here still judging people before you meet them even after what I had said, everyone else actually listened to my words and are going to make an effort to know someone before judging."

"What is going on out here?" A stern voice said from behind me

"Nothing, professor, just trying to get a fellow year mate to see reason like the rest of us, but that clearly isn't working," I replied

"And what reason would that be, miss?" she asked.

"Never judge someone or an entire house on the mistakes of the few of them," I answered.

After I answered her, she explained the houses and the sorting before leading us into the Great Hall. Once we were all in the Hall, she walked up to the stool with an old, dilapidated hat and a scroll. She started calling out names; I had zoned out until she got to the M section of names.

"Malfoy, Draco," she called out.

He walked up and sat down on the stool. The Hat had barely touched his head before it called out Slytherin. The Professor continued down the list until she came upon the P section.

"Potter, Amara"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I prefer to go by Amara Romanoff or Shadow, "I stated before going up and sitting on the stool.

"Hello, little one." A voice said in my head

"Who are you?"

"I am the Sorting Hat"

"Oh, I know that. What is your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"Well, what would you like to be called?"

"How about, Peter"

"Nice to meet you, Peter. I am going to assume you have to see my memories to know just where to put me."

"For you, I don't have to actually because I already know that you are one of the heirs to Hogwarts. You get to choose where you want to go."

"If that is the case, I would like to go to Slytherin, please, but announce that I am also the Hogwarts heir."

"Why would you want to announce that?"

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