Chapter 8

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It has been 3 months since I had last seen Amara. I was beginning to worry about her because her missions never last longer than 2 months.

"— you thinking?" Draco asked

"Huh," I replied

"I asked, what are you thinking about." Draco supplied

"Oh, uh. I just haven't been this long without Amara, so my emotions are starting to go haywire. It's really nothing to worry about. If it becomes too much, I will let you guys and Snape know." I answered

"Okay. You ready to go to class now?" Blaise questioned

"Sure. I don't want to be late. Amara will beat my ass if I am." I chuckled

"I'm sure she would." Bianca mused, "she's worse than me when it comes to being to class on time."

"Now that is saying something." Draco teased

Bianca just stuck her tongue out at him, causing the three of us to laugh at her.

"What do we have first anyways?" I asked

"Potions." They chorused

"Okay. Race ya!" I yelled, taking off

"Hey, no fair!" They all yelled after me.


A dark room is all I have known for the past month. The only thing that changes is when some men torture me to get information out of me or give me enough food and water to survive.

"Tell what your mission was to do!" A man shouted

I just spat in his face from where I was hanging

"Go to hell, you fucking moron." I hissed

"You bitch!" He shouted

He started cutting into me, carving something into my back. I had to bite my tongue hard to keep myself from screaming.

Suddenly, I collapse to the ground with an intense amount of pain in my back. Snape rushed over to me.

"What is wrong, Natasha?"

"Back hurts. Don't know why." I grunted

"Let's get you to the medical wing." He said, "Draco, Blaise, get her to the medical wing."

"Yes, sir." They chorused before Blaise picked me up, and Draco led the way to the wing.

The doors slammed against the walls when we entered the medical wing.

"What is the meaning of this?" Madame Pomfrey demanded

"Her back started hurting in the middle of potions class, and she doesn't know why," Blaise answered, setting me down on the bed

"Well, let's have a look at that then. You boys go wait outside." Madame Pomfrey said

The boys head outside. I took off my robe, sweater, and shirt. Madame Pomfrey took a look before gasping.

"I think I know why your back hurts. You have some words and other things carved into it." Madame stated

"But how? I haven't been anywhere..." I trailed off

"What were you going to say?" She urged

"Mara. She's in trouble. I need to talk to Madame B right now." I frantically started throwing my tops back on, "she's the only one who could have answers and the one to actually find her."

"What do you mean?"

"Amara and I are soul sisters, and Madame B is our mother. She's the one that raised us. If anything were to happen to us, she would know and do anything to get us back. She knows no boundaries when it comes to getting us back safely." I answered

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