Chapter 9

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Jay and Carlos joined the girls in their dorm room. Evie and Mal had just told them what happened with Grayson. The two sat there in silence for a moment while Mal paced around the room trying to think of a way for the plan to work.

"So. . . Grayson's a Prince now?" Jay asked confused.

"That's what I said, Jay." Mal said to the boy.

"How?" Carlos asked.

"Ugh, I am not explaining this to you guys again." Mal said getting annoyed with the boys as she sat down on the bed trying to keep the stress from getting to her.

"Are we still going through with the plan?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know!" Mal snapped flashing her green eyes at the boys. Carlos jumped back hiding behind Jay. "I need to find a way to get Grayson back here. He's not a Prince. He's a VK, he always has been."

"Well, maybe we don't need to do the plan." Evie said, making Mal turn to her like she had a second head.

"Are you insane?" The fairy asked.

"No I. . . what, I'm trying to say is maybe this is a good thing," Evie said getting up from her seat. "Grayson is like so many other kids on the Isle. He has a chance to live a happy life here. Why should we ruin that for him?" Evie asked looking at the other three. "I mean, we all know how Gaston treats him." She added looking down.

"But we still need to get Fairy Godmother's wand." Mal said not liking how this conversation was going.

"M, Grayson is where he needs to be." Evie said softly towards Mal.

"How do you know?" The purple fairy asked crossing her arms.

"Because I don't believe Ben would take Grayson from us as a strategic advantage as you implied." Evie answered.

"Then why would Grayson go with Ben?" Mal asked sitting down on her bed.

"Well, there's always the possibility that Grayson could, really be Ben's brother." Jay said making Mal roll her eyes at his comment.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Mal said rolling her eyes frustrated with everything at the moment.

"Why don't we just ask Evie's mirror about Grayson?" Carlos asked getting everyone's attention. "It has to be truthful no matter what you ask it, right?"

"Oh my gosh, Carlos your right!" Evie said smiling at the young genius walking over to the nightstand by her bed and pulling open a drawer. She then picked up the mirror and smiled at herself before turning to her friends. "Magic Mirror in my hand, show me what happened to Grayson in this land?" Evie asked.

The magic mirror reminded plain for a moment before a misty blue cloud was shown on the reflection of the mirror. The others rushed to Evie's side wanting to see what the mirror would reveal.

Evie gasped seeing Gaston sneaking into the castle and into the nursery or prince Beau. They all watched Baby Beau resting peaceful in his crib before getting picked up by Gaston. The man smirked at the young baby and rushed out the room as the Queen's scream could be heard in the mirror. They watched guards running around the city in search for the baby prince until the mirror's image faded way showing their reflections.

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