Through The Moon (Part 4)

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She bolts down the stairs, ignoring Soren and Allen's cries as she runs after Lujanne. Please don't be doing what I think they're doing, oh ancients above please!

By the time she reached the lake, Callum and Lujanne were kneeling by the edge, an unconscious Rayla floating a few feet from them. Enya rushes forward and grabs her brother by the arm to yank him up to his feet.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! CALLUM WHAT IN ANCIENTS WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!" Enya screams as she shook her brother by the shoulders. "We weren't supposed to do this tonight!"

"You look ready to slap me..." Callum says meekly.

"Oh I'm tempted to for that stupid stunt you two just pulled! What's wrong with Rayla?"

"She's...I think she's in the afterlife...or at least in this plane that's between life and the afterlife."

"Damn it Callum, aren't those ruins unstable?" Enya groans. "I know Allen has great craftsmanship and I have full faith that his work won't fall apart, but this is not good! Ray;a is in danger now!"

"Scolding him isn't going to get anywhere." Lujanne says as Enya releases Callum and noticed the others had just arrived. "I told you it was dangerous and to not try anything, and your sister is right, Rayla is not safe. Honestly I didn't think you could do anything. Underestimating humans again, I suppose."

"Can't we just pull her out?" Callum asks and walks back to the edge of the lake, reaching out for Rayla when Lujanne grabbed his arm.

"NO!" The mage yells as she pulled him back. "If you pull her out now, her mind will stay trapped on the other side. She'll just be an empty husk! What we'll do is wait, wait and hope that Rayla find her way back before sunrise. Before the portal closes...and she's lost forever."

"Hey, you okay?" Soren asks Enya as she sits down a few feet away from the edge and buries her face into her hands.

"No. Oh ancients above, I should have known something was up when they said they'd catch up, I should have stayed behind to make sure they didn't do that!" Enya admits and drops her hands. "Gods I am so irresponsible!"

"Hey, you aren't their babysitter - or technically you're not Rayla's babysitter, don't beat yourself up over this." Soren says as he kneels down to gently take her hands into his. "Don't you worry, Rayla will be back soon. And when she comes back...we'll finally have some piece of mind about my dad."

"RAYLA!" They hear Callum scream and look over to seeing him trying to jump into the lake before Lujanne grabs him. "Let me go! I need to help her!"

"No! You'll be trapped between life and death forever!" Lujanne yells as she pulls him from the edge.

"Wait where's Rayla's body?" Soren asks in panic and Enya gasps when they see her body was no longer floating in the water. "Is she..."

"Lujanne! Didn't you say that a moon phoenix is magically tethered to both life and death?" Ezran asks and holds up Phoe-Phoe.

"Wh- Yes! That's right!" The mage gasps.

"Wait, Ez what are you doing?" Enya asks as the baby phoenix removes a large feather from her body to hand to Ezran, who then handed it off to Callum. "Oh ancients, Callum are you sure about this?"

"If it's the only way to save Rayla, then we have no choice." Callum says and looks to them. "Just wait here."

"PLease be careful!" Ezran yells as his brother leaps into the water. "They're gonna be okay, right?"

"They'll be fine, don't worry." Lujanne assures him as Enya hugs him tightly to her side.

After what felt like forever, Callum ad Rayla suddenly rose up from the water, coughing and gasping for breath as they swam towards the shore. The group ran forward to grab them out of the water and dragged them back onto the dry ground. Once they were safe out of the water, Callum pulled Rayla into a tight hug.

"I couldn't lose you." He says and Rayla hugs him back.

"I really hate the water,'' she says quietly.

"It really is awful." Callum agrees before they pull apart, only for them to lean forward and kiss.

"Well, that's now over." Lujanne says with a sigh of relief. "And I hope you two learned your lesson in trying to fix something that was destroyed for a reason, and the rest of you as well."

"We're sorry." Ezran says and bowed his head before lifting it. "But at least we can't do it again, I'm pretty sure the ruins are ruins again."

"I'm sure they are." Allen says and placed a hand on Lujanne's shoulder. "Let's head back to bed, it's been a long month and we need some proper sleep."

"Hey Ez, wanna head with me and Amaya back down to the village in the morning to get something?" Enya whispers as they turn to walk away from the nexus.

"Are we getting what I think we're getting?" Ezran asks in a low voice. "LIke...something sweet and consumable for a certain birthday boy?"


"I'm in!"

"First sleep, then we can get cake." Soren yawns as he picks Bait off of Amaya's back. "Sleep would be nice, as well as cuddles. We'll ask the two lovebirds later what they saw."

"Want me to carry you?" Enya asks teasingly and he rolls his eyes.

"Ha, very funny. To bed, both of you."


"Callum is gonna love this!" Ezran exclaims as they gather outside of the small home Callum and Rayla had been sleeping in during their stay. "I can't believe we actually managed to get a cake with some of his favorite summer fruits!"

The morning after their little adventure with the nexus, Enya and Ezran had made their way down to the village to locate a bakery to see if they could find a cake for Callum. And luckily for them, they found one with a baker willing to make them a simple single-layered chocolate cake with blue frosting and decorated with pieces of Callum's favorite summer fruit.

"He better love it, we practically walked down the mountain and back up it to just get it!" Enya laughs and turns to Soren, Allen and Lujanne. "Okay, on the count of three Soren will open the doors, and Ezran and I will walk in with the cake. And we all start singing the birthday song!"

"One, three!" Soren yells as he threw open the doors. "Happy birth- Callum?"

"What's the matter with him?" Lujanne asks as they entered the room to find Callum seated on the edge of his bed crying. "Is this normally how he is on his birthday mornings?"

"No it's not." Ezran says with a small frown. "Callum, what's wrong?"

"She...she's gone." His brother says quietly, turning to them with tears in his eyes. "Rayla...she left."

"What?" Enya gasps and turns to Rayla's bed to find it empty and the covers looking like it hadn't been slept in at all. "Wait, where did she go?"

Callum wordlessly slipped off his bed and holds up a rolled up sheet of paper with the phoenix feather he had used the night before. "To find Viren. He's alive."

Savior ||The Dragon Prince|| [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon