School/New kid

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(Brooklyn's pov)
Brrrr brrrr brrrr "Brooklyn! Get up, your alarm is going off!" Brooklyn groans, "I don't want to." Her aunt pulled the blanket off of her, "Hey!" "I said get up, you have school in 15 minutes. You don't wanna be late" Her aunt said. "But I don't even wanna go to school" Brooklyn said, laying back down. "Well I'm sorry, you have to go. Plus you gotta help set up for the dance this Friday" Brooklyn face palms "Ugh, I forgot about the dance" She gets up and picks out what she's gonna wear that day. "Thank you. I'll make you some eggs for breakfast ok?" Her aunt said. "Thanks" Said Brooklyn, getting dressed.
~5 minutes later~
"I gotta get to school, bye auntie!" Brooklyn yelled leaving the house. "Bye, be safe!" Her aunt yelled back. Brooklyn's school was only a block away from where she lived so she could easily walked there. Once she got there she spotted her best friend, Audrey, talking to the fairly new kid, Ethan. She walked up to them, "hey guys" she said. "Hey Brooklyn! Have you met Ethan yet? Audrey said. "No, I don't think I have but we have math together, right?" Brooklyn said. Ethan smiled, "We do. It's nice to meet you." Ethan said, holding out his hand. They shook hands, "it's nice to meet you too" Brooklyn said. "Great! You guys are getting along!" Anyways, you guys excited for the dance?" Audrey said, excitedly. "What dance?" Asked Ethan, confused. "There's this dance on Friday, one that I have to help set up for. They aren't really my thing but I have no choice." Brooklyn said. Just then the bell rung telling them to go to class. Audrey headed off to science class while Brooklyn and Ethan went to math class, "I'll see you guys later." Audrey said. "See you." Said Brooklyn and Ethan. "You like her?" Ethan said. "Huh? What? No, I don't." Brooklyn said. "Please you were blushing the whole time we were talking and you blushed when I asked if you liked her." Ethan said, giving her a look that said 'you can't fool me' "Ok fine. I have a crush on my best friend. Please don't tell her though! I don't wanna ruin my friendship with her." Brooklyn said, kinda panicked. Ethan put his hands up in surrender, "Hey, I won't tell anyone. Promise" he said. "Thanks" Brooklyn said.
~time skip to lunch~
"Did you guys hear that Chloe and Brett broke up?" Audrey said. Brooklyn, Audrey, and Ethan were sitting outside by a big tree. Audrey was laying down with her head on Brooklyn's lap. "Again?" What happened this time?" Asked Brooklyn, not surprised that they broke up for what felt like the thousandth time. "I don't know. Supposedly he cheated on her with her cousin." Audrey said. "Damn" said Brooklyn. "I know but they're probably get back together in time to go to the dance together." "Said Audrey. "Probably"Brooklyn said. "Speaking of the dance, do you guys have a date yet?" Audrey asked. "I'm only helping to set up the dance, I'm not going." Brooklyn said. "What?! Oh, you gotta go. I can't be there without my best friend." Audrey said. Brooklyn sighed, "I'll think about it" She said. "Yay!" Audrey said, excited. "What about you Ethan? You have a date to the dance yet?" Brooklyn asked him. "Not yet but I kinda wanna asked the shy kid in our math class" Ethan said. "Mathew?" Brooklyn said. "Yeah, he seems cool." Ethan said, blushing. *bell rings* "back to hell I guess" said Audrey getting up. Brooklyn laughs and Ethan waves at them heading off to English class while Brooklyn and Audrey went to History class. "See you guys!" he said. "See ya!" Said Audrey and Brooklyn. Audrey grabbed Brooklyn's hand pulling her to History. Brooklyn blushed. "You ok?" asked Audrey "yeah, just fine" Brooklyn said, trying to stop blushing. "If you say so" Audrey said continuing to pull Brooklyn to History.
~time skip to after school~
"Hey, you wanna head over to my place until I gotta leave to go help set up for the dance?" Brooklyn asked Ethan and Audrey. "Sure" they said. "Hey! Talking at the same time is mine and Audrey's thing!" Brooklyn said, joking around. They all laughed while walking into Brooklyn's house.

A.N: sorry about this being late. I've been busy with other things and I haven't had the time to work on this story but I'm back and I'm gonna try my best to get chapters out. Hope you like this one :)

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