Wanting answers

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While Audrey and Ethan slept, Brooklyn stayed awake thinking about what had happened earlier, 'I know it was that damn phone. Why don't they believe me?' She thought to herself. 'I could just be paranoid, yeah that's it. I'm just paranoid, nothing to worry about.' She layed back down and went to sleep. The next morning she woke up and saw that Audrey sitting on the couch on her phone and Ethan had apparently left, "morning." Said Audrey, looking up from her phone. "Morning. Where did Ethan go?" Brooklyn asked. "Oh, he went ahead and headed home so he could get ready for school since he didn't have anything with him." Audrey replied. "Girls, would you like some waffles this morning for breakfast?" Brooklyn's aunt called from the kitchen. "Sure auntie" Brooklyn said. They both walked in the kitchen and waited at the table, "so, what did you wanna ask me last night?" Brooklyn asked Audrey. "What? Oh yeah. I wanted to ask you...if you wanted...to...go to the dance with me?" Audrey said, nervously. Brooklyn looked shocked, "you wanna go to the dance with me?" She said. "I mean, yeah. I like you a lot Brooklyn." Audrey said "and I'm sorry about last night." "It's ok, I was just being paranoid. You're right, there's no way a phone could kill someone...and I like you a lot too and I'll go to the dance with you." Brooklyn smiled. Audrey smiled back and Brooklyn's aunt put their plates on the table, "thank you." They said together. "Friends for years and you still talk at the same time." Her Aunt laughed. Once done, they got dressed and headed off to school, holding hands.
~at the school~
When they got to school, they saw Ethan waiting for them, "you're holding hands, did you finally ask her and are you together now?" He said to them. "Yes I did and yes we are." Audrey replied. "Finally, I don't know how much longer I would have waited until I told one of you." He said, jokingly. The two girls laughed and the bell rung, "see you guys later." Audrey said and kissed Brooklyn on the cheek, heading off to her class. Brooklyn blushed as she and Ethan walked into math. "I'm actually really glad that you two are together now." Ethan said, sitting down next to her. "Me too. Now, why don't you ask Mathew to the dance?" Brooklyn said, getting her notebook out of her bag. "Right now?" Ethan said, nervously. "You do wanna go to the dance with him right?" Brooklyn said, taking a pencil out. "I mean..yeah." he said. "Well then go ask him, it's now or never." She said. "Ok, I'll do it." Ethan said, getting up and walking towards Mathew who looked up at him and smiled. "Hi Mathew. Can I ask you something?" Ethan said, sitting in a chair next to him. "Sure, what's up," Mathew said, quietly. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with...me?" Ethan asked. "You're asking me to the dance? I was gonna ask you to the dance but I was too nervous to. Yes, I'll go with you." Mathew said, excited. "Really? Great. I'll pick you up at your place then?" Ethan asked "yeah, that's fine." Mathew replied. Ethan got up and sat back down next to Brooklyn, "he said yes" he said, happily. "That's great!" Said Brooklyn. "Hello students" it was the morning announcements. "Last night we lost one of our students due to a terrible accident, they're still investigating the situation but so far they have found nothing. As of now, I want you all to remain alert and to always be safe. Thank you and have a good day." The announcements ended and Ethan looked at Brooklyn, "do you still think it was the phone?" He asked. "Part of me does but part of me says that I'm just being paranoid." She said. "I mean your theory isn't really off. You zoned out so you missed when they said that they found the phone in on her hands and she was electrocuted. It adds up." Ethan said, writing the notes that the teacher put up on the board. "No talking in class please." The teacher said. "If it was the phone, we gotta figure out how it's doing this and how to stop it but where and how do we get it?" Brooklyn asked, also writing down the notes. "They probably have it a evidence locker at the police station. Lucky for us, my uncle works there as a detective. He could let us in. I could sneak in and grab the phone while you distract them." Ethan said. "You think that'll work?" Brooklyn said, looking over at him. "Of course it will, trust me." Ethan said, looking back at her. "Brooklyn. Ethan. I said stop talking please." The teacher said, looking at them. The two apologized and went back to writing the notes.

A.N: Hi, another chapter. I might write and post the 5th chapter later today idk. Idek if anyone is reading this but if anyone else is reading this, I hope your enjoying it so far :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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