Start from the beginning

"Are you annoyed?" I asked and I kicked my feet up on the desk.


"Then I can't leave, Sev."  I grinned as I stood up and started playing around with some stuff on the walls. My eyes widened and I came to a stop, pointing at a certificate. "SNIVELLLY, YOU HAVE A DEGREE?!"

"I am annoyed now."

"Snivellus has a degree!" I laughed, walking out of his office.

I went to the Ravenclaw Tower to see Luna. I approached the portrait and I swear it sneered at me! I scoffed and just stared at it.

"Let me in then!"

"I will only let you in if you can answer this riddle, Riddle."

"Go on then, bitch."

"What came first, the Pheonix or the egg?"

"A circle has no beginning." I sighed.

The portrait gasped and she looked at me as if I just killed someone.

"Open the fucking door, then!"

She looked at me in disgust but let me in. "Death Eater." She muttered. I set the portrait on fire.

"Luna!" I called out whilst looking around the common room, admiring the colour combination. Blue and black look nice together.

Luna came skipping down the stairs and gave me a big hug. "Hello, Rissa."

"Hi." I said, confused, but I accepted the hug cuz, well it's Luna.

"What brings you here?" She asked, the curiosity in her eyes growing.

"I'm really bored and I thought we could go out or do something together."

"Fun! Let's go to Hogsmeade! There's a passage out from my dorm."

"And you waited until now to tell me!"

"I didn't think it was relevant."

"Oh, it's relevant." We ran up to her dorm and she moved the rug, revealing a trap door. Luna lifted the door up and went down a staircase.

"Come on, Arissa."

I followed her down and we took a bunch of turns and eventually ended up in the middle of a cafè in Hogsmeade.


"Wear it, Arissa!" said Orla. She was trying to get me to wear a dress when I wanted to wear a hoodie and jeans.

I shook my head in refusal.


"No!" I crossed my arms and sat on my bed.


"Fine!" I took the dress from her and put it on. I looked in the mirror and, damn I looked good. No, Arissa. You don't like the dress and you don't want to go. Oh, but I look so good! I had a mini argument with myself in my head before putting on a pair of heels that Orla also forced me to wear.

We left the Hogwarts grounds and I held her hand. She gave me a nod and I apparated to the Malfoy Manor. I made sure we were late so that we could have a nice entrance and I went into the Manor, Orla's arm looped in mine.

"M-madame. Y-your here." Wormtail said as soon as he saw us.

"Yes. Now, get everyone's attention and announce us." I ordered. He nodded and set off red sparks from his wand. All eyes turned to us and Wormtail finally spoke.

"Arissa Riddle and um, Miss Orla De La Cour." Wormtail declared and my father stepped forward.

"Arissa. Come." I glanced at Orla and she gave me a look of approval. I let go of Orla and went towards my dad, taking my place next to him.

"I have called this event in honor of my daughter. For weeks, she has been spying on Harry Potter and providing us with information to help us get one step closer to ending the boy's life." He raised his glass of wine. "To Arissa."

"To Arissa." The rest of the Death Eaters raised their glasses and drank. I knew there was something else going on here. Something that actually had the importance of my dad hosting this huge of an event. I smiled and greeted some people before getting Blaise Zabini and Orla and taking them into an empty study.

The two of them looked at me in worry and gave me a look urging me to explain what was happening.

"Somethings wrong, guys."

"What d'you mean?" Blaise blurted.

"My dad wouldn't call an event to honor me. He doesn't even wish me happy birthday. Somethings happening and we need to find out. Why would he call all the Death Eaters in one place? And why would-"

"What're you doing in here?!" Malfoy whisper-yelled whilst locking the doors.

"Oh, we're going through your dad's books." I said flatly.


"Oh my Merlin. Listen. Somethings happening and we," I circled my finger, pointing at the four of us. "Need to leave. Now."

"Now?" Orla implored.

"Yes, now." I led them outside the Manor and told them to hold on to each other. Blaise held Malfoy and Orla's arms. Orla held my arm and Malfoy held my other arm. I focused on the Shrieking Shack and apparated there.

Once we appeared outside, we ran inside and found a room to sit in. It was dirty and dusty, but it would have to do.

Orla took off her heels and sat down on the old bed, Blaise sitting down next to her.

"Ok, Malfoy, talk." I said.

"What, talk? I don't know what's happening any more than you do!"

"Fine, leave all the thinking to me!" I exclaimed. I took my heels off and threw them at the wall. Orla glared at me. They were her heels.

"Are there any spells that would need all of the Death Eaters in one place? Ceremony?"

"Not that I know of." said Blaise. Orla was resting her head on his shoulder and they looked really cute. I'm sorry, I had to say it.

"I'll be back in a while, don't leave." I said sternly. I picked up my heels and put them back on, receiving a deadly look from Orla. She nudged whispered something in Blaise's ear and he smirked before whispering something back. Orla then elbowed Malfoy in the ribs and mutteres something to him, causing him to stand up and hold my hand.

"And this is because?" I queried, holding his hand up.

"I'm coming with you and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Ok," I shrugged. "It's good. You know your house better than I do anyway." I apparated to the Malfoy Manor and stormed inside running straight up the stairs with Malfoy following behind me.

We went into Lucius' study and I got various books, all of which had the dark mark on them.


That's all for now cuz I'm going to sleep now, it's literally 1:45 AM and my mum is telling me to go to bed. Goodnight y'all and I'll post another chap tomorrow, maybe.

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