He buried his face in my neck and took a deep breath.

My heart was pounding in my chest at this point.

"Do you know that all of us who had been kidnapped had one common thing?" He looked at me.

I gulped. "A form of physical health condition."

He smiled thinly.

"One of the doctors came up and caught our attention. He said his name was X. And that they will be conducting experiments to make us into stronger human beings.
Some of the others were a little cheered up at that. But Of course that was because they didn't realise just how bad these experiments could go. Why they were called experiments in the first place.
But they all realised it in the days that followed.
They conducted multiple experiments one after the other.
Everyday a new experiment. Everyday a new torture."

I pursed my lips and tightened my arms around him even more.

"I don't know how i survived. It seems that their experiments actually worked on me. Because I'm sure you can also tell my body is stronger than before." He clutched his chest.

I bit my lips and nodded.

"I'm sure you heard about the illegal laboratory bust 3 days ago." He looked at me.

I blinked.

"They didn't mention anything about any victims did they?" He smiled thinly.

"They said it was an illegal weaponry lab...." I said slowly.

He chuckled bitterly. "That wasn't a weaponry lab. That was where 63 other lives were lost. I'm sure they know. They would have seen all the data in the system after all." 

I frowned deeply. "Why would they hide it?"

"Because the ones behind these experiments was the minister and some of his colleagues." He answered.

My eyes widened.

"I escaped 3 weeks ago." He sighed.

I blinked.

"I didn't come here because i didn't want to be caught again. I was the one who secretly tipped off the police so they could bust the place in the first place. But by the time i had managed to escape, all the others were already dead. I would also be dead if i hadn't run away. They had decided to give up on the treatments because they thought they weren't working. And some of the other people in the government were starting to suspect them. Of course me being here proves that the treatments actually did work. But the effects didn't show until a week after i escaped. It was really painful and suffocating but i managed to keep myself together somehow.
I had met a very kind man who had taken me in for the last 3 weeks. He took care of me and even bought me some clothes. Last night i decided to finally come here. I took the bus and got off the nearest bus stop and ran all the way here."

"But if the treatments were effective ones, then why did they have to do the testing illegally?" I asked.

He smiled thinly. "When i escaped, there were only 10 others."

My eyes widened.

"53 lives. Lost. That's why they had to do the testing illegally. No hospital or government would allow the testing because of the high risks. So they decided to take matters into their own hands and prove to them that their treatments would work." He gulped.

I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his neck.

He returned the hug.

"The only thing that kept me going was the thought of meeting you and the others. I heard about how everyone tried to look for me. I wanted to come back to you no matter what." He said softly.

"Thank you for surviving..... Thank you for coming back to me...." I muttered softly.

He pushed me back a bit.

I was about to say something but he held my head and pressed his lips onto mine.

I froze for a few seconds.

But then i returned the kiss with just as much fervor.

He opened his mouth and i immediately pushed my tongue inside. I licked every nook and cranny of his mouth. He kept sucking my tongue.

We kept going at it until we ran out of breath.

We separated and joined our foreheads.

We were both panting.

I noticed a trail of saliva on his chin.

I wiped it with my sleeve.

"I love you p'pha...." He muttered.

Tears formed in my eyes.

Both from the longing and want in his voice and the feeling of hearing those words from him for the first time.

"I love you too Ming." I pulled him closer and pressed my lips on his forehead.

He hugged me and relaxed in my arms.

"I'm home... Finally home...." He mumbled into my neck.

"Yeah. You're home. And I'll make sure you will never be taken away again." I said softly but firmly.

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