Chapter 43

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Ming's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

I was in p'pha's room.

I blinked trying to remember what had happened.

Talking to the president and captain.

Them leaving.

Coming back inside after they left.

Then nothing.

"Another blackout huh?" I groaned.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my face.

This is not the first time i passed out like this.

This happens whenever i keep thinking about any painful memories for more than 10 minutes.

I don't know why this happens.

Those people couldn't figure it out either even though it was an effect of their experiments.

Should i tell p'pha that this is a normal occurrence? Or should i just let him assume that it was because i got too stressed?

I blinked.

He'll catch on soon enough. So there's really no point in hiding it.

I scoffed.

It's quite funny since the majority of my past memories are pain filled ones.

Just then the bedroom door opened and p'pha came in.

"You're awake." He smiled.

I smiled back and hummed.

He sat down beside me and brushed back my bangs.

"How do you feel?" He asked softly.

"Just a little tired." I answered.

He nodded.

He still looked worried.

"P' you'll have to get used to this. I get these blackouts quite often." I sighed.

He frowned. "What?"

"It happens everytime i think of any painful memories for more than 10 minutes. It started during the experimentations. They couldn't figure out why it was happening even though I'm pretty sure it's because of those so called treatments." I explained.

His frown deepened even more.

"They said they're going to send an artist to sketch their faces...." He said slowly.

"I can go on if we take like 20 minute breaks every 10 minutes. But that's going to be really annoying." I groaned.

"I don't care if it's annoying. Your health comes before everything else." He said firmly.

I smiled softly.

"How long have i been out for by the way?" I asked.

He looked at his watch. "Around 3 hours."

I blinked. "3 hours? Really?"

He nodded. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I usually pass out for like 6 hours atleast....." I tilted my head.

He raised his eyebrows.

"The effects are actually diminishing?"

I pinched the back of my hand as hard as i could.

It got red but i couldn't feel anything.

"I don't think so.... I still can't feel-" I quickly covered my mouth.

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