Chapter 47

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6 months later:

Ming's pov:

I looked around the canteen.

There were many students walking around, having lunch, some were even studying while others were just chatting among themselves.

I've already started specialisation in university.

This time i decided to focus on finishing my studies and achieving my dream rather than trying to stay with my friends and enjoying university life to the fullest.

I don't want to have any regrets in case life decides to hit me in the face with something else again.

If i die, i want to die with the satisfaction of knowing that i was able to achieve my dream.

I'll be finishing specialisation and get my licence in another 6 months.

I'm sure of it.

I looked down at the file infront of me.

I already have everything planned out.

All the studies, work and everything.

I could finish even earlier than 6 months if i want but i want to spend atleast a year in university. Just one year with my friends.

I don't want to leave too soon.

I mostly think about my studies but i make sure to make time to hang out with my fiends as well.

I don't want to miss out on everything.

I hang out with Tee, Bass, Tae and Godt during weekends.

And sometimes we even have sleepovers at our place.

A contented smile formed on my face.

There's no one to disturb my life anymore.

The only people in my life are my friends and the people who love me- my family.

There's no place for any negativity anymore.

I've already had enough of that.

I tapped my pen on the first thing on my to do list in the file.

I took a deep breath.


Things have changed.

The people who have hurt me are no longer in my life.

But i can't let it end at that.

They are criminals who still roam free.

I'm sure I'm not their only victim.

They take advantage of their power and use it for their own benefits.

I took out the paper under the one which was open.

Alexander Link. CEO of Rox company. Thailand's 3rd largest modelling agency.

Troy Gale. Chairman of Rox company.

Ronald Grayson. CEO of Gray company. Thailand's 4th largest construction company.

Tyler Hughes. Marketing director of Gray company.

And finally Matthew Dale. Alexander's bestfriend. Producer and director who has directed multiple successful movies.

I grimaced just remembering these disgusting bastards.

I don't even know how they stopped so low as to rape me again and again in a park. You would have thought they would have more pride than that seeing as they own such big companies.

AbandonedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora