"Fine" he sighed. "But next time I get to pick"

"Sure" I felt a bubble of happiness when he said that. I smiled to myself.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked slightly annoyed that we were going to see Harry Potter. We got our ticket, some popcorn and drinks.

"N- nothing" I answered quickly caught off-guard.

"Sur, sure"

Great. Now he's going to think I'm some weirdo.

"Where do you want to sit?" he asked when we entered the theatre.

"I'll let you choose since I chose the movie"

"Okay, how about the back?"


We walked up the stairs to the back and found two seats in the center. We sat down and he draped his arm over my shoulders handing me my drink. I murmured a thank you and snuggled into his side.

We watched the movie in peace and every now and then I would glance at him. He was so into the movie he didn't notice when I got up and went to the bathroom. On the way back I bought more popcorn and sat down in my seat.

"Where did you go?" he whispered in my ear.

"Bathroom" I whispered back.

"I didn't know the bathroom sprouted popcorn"

"I got some on the way back"

"Okay" he said turning back to the movie and put his arm around my shoulders again.

We continued watching the movie and I noticed he was more engrossed in it than I was. And I was the Harry Potter fan here.


"So want did you think?" I asked him when exited the cinema.

"Not bad"

"Not bad? Puh-lease you were more into it than I was"

"No I wasn't"

"Yes you were. You didn't even notice when I went to the bathroom"

"Okay it was kind of good" he said sheepishly. "But that doesn't mean I liked it" he added.

"Whatever. So w- OOH!"


"Come on!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand dragging him behind me. He intertwined our fingers but this time I didn't blush. I was too occupied with what lay before me.

"Hi, can I have two hotdogs please?"

"Oui" answered the hotdog guy.

He got the two hotdogs ready and handed them to us. I began digging in my purse for some money but Eric had already paid. When we exited the hotdog place Eric spoke.

"So this is what got your attention so bad? A hotdog?"

"Hey! These are the best hotdogs around. Last time I came I bought them all the time"

"Last time?"

"I came here last year on a modeling job. But I can assure you this is the last time I'm coming"

"Why's that?"

"This place has too much action for me"

"You can say that again"

I sunk my teeth in the hotdog and moaned. "Mm this is so GOOD!" I said with my mouth full. Eric looked at me then chuckled.

"What?" I asked then swallowed.

The Undercover ModelWhere stories live. Discover now