Chapter 4

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Elaina felt fear freeze her bloodstream as she stood staring at the intruder, the gun still in her hands. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice trembling. She hoped she would be able to hold the gun steady should she have to fire. "I've got a gun!"

"Elaina, don't shoot," a calm, soothing voice implored, and one hand slowly raised into the air. The hand holding the gun, however, didn't move; it was still trained on her. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Who are you?" she demanded again, trying to place the voice. She had heard it before; it was familiar. It's not Tony, he's on the way...but I know this guy....

"It's Victor Andrisano," the figure said. "Elaina, please put the gun down."

Elaina swallowed. She dearly wanted to believe Victor was not here to kill her, but Emily and Jerry had just killed Michael in the parking garage and had tried to kill her. Her trust in people was beginning to wear a little thin. "No, Mr. Andrisano. Not while you still have yours."

Victor sighed. "Okay, Elaina, on the count of three we both crouch and put the guns down. All right?"

"Okay," Elaina replied, her voice trembling.

"One," Victor started patiently, flexing his knees as Elaina copied him, watching him like a hawk. "Two."

The two were now both crouched, Elaina balancing precariously in her heels, still pointing the guns at each other. Elaina was glad she'd thought to turn the safety off, just in case she did have to shoot. I really hope I don't, though!


Elaina and Victor both put their guns on the ground and raised their now empty hands into the air.

"There," Victor said, his shadowed face seeming to peer intently at Elaina's. "Do you trust me now?"

"I don't know," Elaina confessed. "I feel better now that you don't have the gun, though."

Slowly, Victor rose into a standing position, Elaina imitating him. The guns lay on the floor, their metal barrels glinting in the light from the kitchen.

"Let's step into the kitchen," Victor suggested. "I was worried about you, Elaina."

Elaina backed up, not removing her gaze from Victor. When she bumped against the counter, she put her hands on the edge and moved around it, keeping her eyes on him as he followed her into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," Elaina told him. "I just...there were people shooting at us in the parking garage, and I don't know what's going on. Please understand, Mr. Andrisano."

Victor nodded. "Of course I do, Elaina. And please, call me Victor. Are you okay?"

Elaina gave a small nod. "Yes." Barely.

"I heard about the shootings," Victor said, running a hand through his hair. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Elaina relayed her account of everything that had occurred starting when she and Michael had stepped into the parking garage, ending with Tony's promise to come. Victor frowned at that, narrowing his eyes.

"Why did you call my brother?"

"I was supposed to meet him for dinner," Elaina said with a small shrug. "I wanted to let him know why I wasn't coming."

"Of course," Victor muttered, glancing away, pressing his lips into a thin line. Then he glanced back at Elaina. "Elaina, you're going to have to trust me. Can you do that?"

Elaina looked at Victor. She wanted to trust him, she did. Besides, he was Tony's brother after all, wasn't he? "Okay, I will trust you."

"Good," Victor said. "Elaina, my brother is coming to kill you."

Killer SantasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora