Ch. 2

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Team 7 then rushed to the Hokage's Office as it seemed to be urgent. Boruto knocked at the door to Lord Seventh's office. "Come on in", Naruto said. The group rushed to the Hokage. "What happened?" Sarada asked. "Who died?" Boruto asked. Sarada glared at him and punched him in the shoulder. "Is everything okay?" Mitsuki asked. Naruto laughed at all of the kid's responses.

"Nobody died. I've been tracking your progress and I've decided to send you out on a mission. Sadly, instead of you all going as a team, I will only be sending two of you out on the mission. You must travel outside of the Hidden Leaf Village and look for Saskue. He sent me a message last night, saying that he will be near the area and needs help to find an item that he had lost last time he left Konoha."

Boruto looked disappointed when he found out that all they were doing was looking for as lost item. "So you're telling me that all we need to do is look for a missing object that belongs to Uncle Saskue?" Boruto asked. "Who cares what we're doing at least we get to go on a mission." Sarada told Boruto while punching him on the head. "And besides, how do you even know that Naruto is picking YOU to go on the mission?" Sarada added. Boruto stood tall and proud and said, "because I am Boruto Uzumaki! I am obviously the strongest in this group." Sarada rolled her eyes at her comrade. Sarada thought to herself for a second and asked, "Why does he need a couple of kids to help him find something instead of a strong Shinobi?"

"Because children your age have better eye sight than someone older would", Naruto replied. "It seems you guys are getting bored so I'm going to tell you who will be going on the mission. Our first person being Sarada." Sarada smiled in Boruto's face, proud of herself. "And the second person that will be going is Boruto!"

Sarada's jaw dropped to the floor while Boruto smiled in her face and danced in excitement. "Good job guys! I hope you have fun on the mission!" Mitsuki said to his teammates while smiling like he always does.

Sarada began to feel bad since Mitsuki didn't get picked to go. At the same time she was happy because she got to see her father after a month of him being gone. "I'm sorry you weren't picked to come, Mitsuki." Sarada told him as she frowned, full of sympathy. "That's okay. I'll probably be picked to go on the next mission with you guys. It's not that serious to me." Mitsuki replied with a smile still on his face.

"When do we get to start the mission, Dad?" Naruto stared at his son in disappointment. "I told you Boruto. Do not call me Dad when I am in my office." Boruto stretched his hand to the back of his head. "Sorry, Dad- I mean uh Lord Seventh... I keep forgetting." Naruto sighed and continued on with what he was saying. "Ahem. Anyways, Boruto and Sarada, you start the mission at sunset. It will give you time to become more comfortable with being out side at night alone. It may also increase your relationship and trust in one another." Boruto and Sarada looked at each other and sighed.

"You may go now. Start getting ready. You each have about four hours to tell your parents and pack your bags. I also recommend bringing something to sleep with at night since you both will have to sleep outside." Both Boruto and Sarada nodded their heads and dashed out of the office with Mitsuki behind them walking at a slower pace. The two headed into the same direction since they were practically neighbors while Mitsuki headed home to the opposite direction.

Once Boruto and Sarada got to their homes, they said their goodbyes and went inside their house. "See you later Baka-Boruto." Sarada said with a grin as Boruto rolled his eyes and sighed.

Four Hours Later

Sarada looked outside of her window and saw Boruto packing a small bag. She blushed at the sight of her friend. She felt like a stalker but didn't want to look away. Boruto began to lift up his shirt and Sarada's entire face got red as she finally thought it would be best to look away from Boruto before she saw too much.

Why am I blushing so much? Especially since I see Boruto as nothing more than a best friend and a comrade. Sarada said to herself. She was just about ready to go so she looked around to room to spot if she had missed anything. She then noticed that she had almost forgot her blanket. That would have been terrible. She rushed downstairs to see her mother with a brown bag that seemed to be full of food.

"What is that, Mama?" Sarada asked while giving her mom a half confused half happy look. "A lunch for you to bring before you go. Hurry. It's sunset and Boruto should be waiting for you." Sakura responded. "Thank you Mama", Sarada said while going to her mom for a hug before leaving. "I'll be back before you know it!" Sarada yelled to her mom before rushing out of the house. "Bye..." Sakura whispered after the door shut.

Sarada saw Boruto waiting for her outside with a small bag. He's making that stupid cute face again... Sarada thought to herself. Ugh. What is going on with me? We have to focus on getting through the mission and completing the mission safely. Sarada blushed at Boruto as he tilted his head and they started walking to the gates of Konoha.

"You ready for this?" Sarada said as she looked at Boruto. He took a glance behind him to take one last look at his home and sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be", he said as he transferred his glance from the view behind him to the view in front of him. The gates.

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