Ch. 6

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Sarada could hear Boruto moving closer and closer until she could sense that he was directly behind her. At this point, her entire face was flushed and she was nervous to turn around. Her legs moved on their own and she slowly began to turn to face him. To her surprise, Boruto was faced the other way so all Sarada could see was his back.

"Yeah, and I'm the perv." Boruto chucked to himself and formed a smile on his lips. "I know you're blushing." Boruto told her, still facing the opposite direction. This made Sarada's eyes widen as she thought, "How could he have know?" She huffed out loud to make sure that Boruto could hear her. All he did was quietly laugh to himself and continue bathing himself. Once Sarada realized that he was carrying on the task at hand as if she wasn't standing directly behind him, she did the same.

After about three short minutes of them washing up, Boruto got out of the water and grabbed the clean, grey towel that he wore around his waist before getting into the water. "You should get out soon. The sun is approaching pretty fast." Boruto told the Uchiha.

Oh wow. I didn't even notice until he said something. Sarada said to herself as she moved her attention to the almost full rising sun. She quickly got out of the water just a minute after Boruto and took her black towel which she first dried off her hair with and then wrapped it around her body. The only thing that the towel wasn't covering is her shoulders and everything below her knees. I should've brought two towels. One for my body, and one for my hair. Sarada thought to herself as she could feel her hair still completely soaked even after drying it with the towel. She was so focused on her hair that she forgot that Boruto was with her too. She looked up, trying to spot him and she found him way ahead of her, wearing only his pants.

He bent down to grab a clean white t shirt from out of his bag when he heard Sarada walking since she stepped on a leaf and she instantly got embarrassed and once again, her entire face got red. Not only because Boruto was staring at her while she was literally NAKED but also because he was shirtless and had the best abs that she had ever seen.

He smirked at her once he noticed that she had frozen and was just standing there in a towel, staring at him. One thing that was clear was that she wasn't staring at his face. Boruto stared deeply into Sarada's eyes from a distant and after just a cer seconds of searching her onyx eyes he saw that she was staring at his muscles. This time it was his muscles everywhere, not just his abs. She now was staring at both his arms and stomach. This caused Boruto to blush insanely. Finally, the two stared directly into each other's eyes, refusing to break the stare.

Sarada managed to break free from the trance and faced her head towards the sun, noticing that it had fully risen. Now she was panicking because anybody could see her in broad daylight and she was still standing there, motionless, in a towel. She rushed towards their camp site where she grabbed a clean outfit. She could feel Boruto staring at her from behind as he put on his t shirt and Sarada told him, "Take a picture, it'll last longer" which is the same line that Boruto had told her earlier. She giggled and Boruto opened his mouth to reply to the comment. "Sorry, I guess I was just lost in thought, ya know?" Sarada gave him a quick glance to see that his arm was stretched to the back of his neck as he remained blushing. She giggled and the sight and replied, "Mhm. Yeah, sure." She stood up and fully turned around to face Boruto with her clean clothes in hand.

She raised an eyebrow that told the boy, "You already know what to do". He immediately understood and turned around, putting on his black jacket and a pair of shoes. Surprisingly, once he was done and zipped up his jacket, Sarada was already fully dressed and ready to go. "Took you long enough", she said with a smile on her face, no longer blushing. The only thing that was left unfinished was her hair which was still very wet so Sarada placed her towel on her shoulders so that the towel could catch any water that drips from her hair.

Boruto looked at her and said, "We should really start packing up our camp site and start heading out. I know what you're thinking. 'Boruto, you've been saying that for 30 minutes now", Boruto said, imitating Sarada's voice, "But this time I really mean it so can we get going?" Sarada looked at him as if he was over exaggerating. "But I haven't even finished drying my hair", Sarada whined. Boruto scoffed at her and replied, "I'm 99.9% sure that your precious hair will dry as we're jumping through trees, princess." Sarada rolled her eyes since she hated when anyone called her that except for one person. But out of everyone, she hated when Boruto said it most of all. "Fine. I guess this one time I will admit that you might be right." The two smiled at each other and soon began to pack up the site. After five minutes, they headed on their way to their next destination.

As they were jumping from tree to tree, per usual, Sarada spotted something and immediately stopped Boruto from leaping to another tree. "HEY! YOU CAN'T JUST-" Sarada quickly put her hand over his mouth to stop him from making another sound. Boruto made a face at her and while her hand still covered his mouth, he mumbled "What was that for?" And Sarada put her finger over her lips and she quietly whispered, "Shhh...". The took her finger from her lips and pointed towards a bush that had an object in it. She couldn't tell if it was a circular object or a scroll. She leaned in a little closer but still couldn't quite tell. Sarada removed her left hand from Boruto's mouth and he let out a deep breath that he had been holding in as an effort to not make as much noise.

"What's going on?", Boruto whispered to Sarada. She pointed to the red object in the bush and whispered back, "There's something in the bush. All I know is that it's red and circular shaped. I'm trying to figure out if it's just a red object or a scroll. And since your eyesight is better than mine, I need you to lean in closer, look down there, and let me know what you see." Boruto nodded his head and switched places with Sarada to get a closer look. After only a few seconds of examining the object from a distance, Boruto came to the conclusion that it's a bomb in disguise.

Sarada looked at him with wide eyes but then expressed a confused look. "If it's in disguise, then how could you tell that it was a bomb?" Sarada asked as she raised an eyebrow at him. "My dad already taught me this. There's a "stem" coming out of it. And when I say "stem", I mean a string light it on fire. Plus, they painted it red and the bomb is in a bush, surrounded by trees. So, what does that tell us?"

Sarada looked at him silly and answered, "Whoever put the bomb there obviously wanted to make it seem like it was just an apple that had fallen from one of the trees and fell into the bush. Easy." This time, Boruto was the one that raised his eyebrow at her.

"If it was so easy then why did you need me to take a closer look at the object and on top of that, you questioned why I thought the bomb was a disguise." Sarada rolled her eyes because she knew he was right but she hated admitting that she's wrong. Both Boruto and Sarada got a huge burst of wind blown at them from behind and they heard someone laughing... they weren't alone.

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