Ch. 10

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Boruto and Sarada have been walking for hours and still have found absolutely nothing.

B: "Ugh. Are we almost done?"

S: "No Boruto. How do you expect to be a strong Shinobi if you can't even handle a walk."

B: "Sarada, this is more than a walk. It feels like we've been walking for five hours!"

S: "That's because we have been walking for five hours."

B: "WHAT? And we can't rest because?"

S: "Because the farther distance that we walk, the closer we will be to my father. Then we can rest and not have to worry about waking up early tomorrow since we will only have to walk a small distance."

B: "I understand your thought process but I don't think you realize HOW MUCH PAIN MY LEGS ARE IN. We have been walking for so long that the sun is barely even visible anymore!"

Sarada sighs. "I guess you're right..." she says as she looks at the faded pink sky. Boruto cheers in victory and excitement. "Now we just have to figure out where we're going to sleep." Sarada says to Boruto. He groans and starts to look around for a small, private, and somewhat open area. That's when he spots a place with lots of trees and a few bushes surrounding it.

Boruto's eyes lit up with joy and exclaims, "There! There's a spot!" as he points his finger towards the place. "You really do have some good eyes Boruto." Sarada says before she begins her walk towards the area. It's small, but quite cozy and definitely private. It's almost invisible. Which is why Sarada was so surprised that Boruto found it from where they were standing.

"Should we set up the camp fire tonight?" Sarada asks Boruto before setting her things down. "Nope, I think that will be fine. Do you still have food left for us to snack on? I'm pretty hungry", Boruto asks as his stomach growls and he chuckles. She giggles and passes him a granola bar.

He stares at it blankly and asks, "Do you have anything else?" He asks Sarada who is searching through her bag for something for her to eat. "Um... the only other thing that I have is bread, salami and ham. But it won't be as fresh as it was yesterday."

Boruto smiled and looked at her before saying, "That's fine. As long as it doesn't have mold, I'll take it!" Sarada laughs and passes him the bread and ham since she knows that he dislikes salami. "You know, even if it did have mold, I think that you would still eat it." Boruto lets out a laugh along with Sarada as he bites into his sandwich.

After about five minutes of them eating their sandwiches along with seconds, they set up their blanket to go to sleep. Sarada removes her gloves, her shoes, her headband, and her pants. The last thing she did was take off her top. Boruto turns around to see her taking off her clothes and blushes as he quickly turns around.

Sarada chuckles at him and says, "I'm not naked. I have on spandex shorts and a tank top under this." Boruto lets out a sigh of relief and laughs at himself. "Oh... hehe. I just thought..." He turns his stare to the ground in embarrassment. "Yeah, I know. I mean I understand why you would think that." Boruto removes his stare from the ground and looks up at Sarada, staring deep into her eyes.

"Can we just move on and forget it? Please?" To Sarada, he looks like a puppy when he begs so she agrees and settles in underneath the covers. And now Boruto is undressing. He takes off his jacket, his shoes, and his headband. He was about to take off his pants but unlike Sarada, he didn't have anything underneath so he told her to turn around while he changed into a comfortable pair of shorts.

Finally, he settles in next to Sarada, trying to get comfortable underneath the covers. Boruto tried to get to bed but couldn't. Then he realized why.

"Hey um... Sarada?" She turned over to look at Boruto even though even was still turned around. "Yes, Boruto?" He blushes and asks, "Do you mind if I take my shirt off?" He turns around to face her and now they are both blushing while staring into each other's eyes. "S- Sure. I don't really mind." Sarada manages to say while stuttering. "Okay. Don't take it in a weird way I'm just uncomfortable and can't sleep. And usually when I feel this way, I take my shirt off." Sarada gives him a look that says, "Go ahead" and he lifts his shirt up, taking it off.

Sarada POV
Woah. That is a lot of muscle. Since when did he gets abs? He actually looks hot. And I mean like... really hot. Shoot. I'm staring.

Sarada quickly looked away and blushed intensely as Boruto looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"It's okay. I understand why you would want to stare at me." Boruto says as he manages to wink at her. "Eww! Baka! Why would I...", Suddenly she had a loss of words and just turned over to her side. Boruto then scoots closer to her and whispers in her ear, "Don't fight it." After a few seconds, Sarada turns back around and just stares into his ocean blue eyes.

They silently lay there next to each other, staring into one another's eyes. Even though they didn't say anything, they exchanged a million words after just a few minutes. Boruto relaxed his stare as he sighed and felt his eye lids get heavy. He formed a gentle, comforting smile towards Sarada. She was still blushing but it wasn't as intense. She wasn't even worried about his muscles anymore.

What is this feeling? She thought to herself. Suddenly I feel... warm. Comfortable. Relaxed. I feel safe. Whatever this feeling is, I want it to stay and never leave. Is Boruto making me feel this way?

Sarada floods her mind with questions, still keeping eye contact with Boruto as he's about to fall asleep. Even though his eyes are only half way open he says, "Sarada", and she replies with a "Hm?"

"Can you come closer?" He asks her. Her blush is beginning to intensify again as she scoots a little closer to him. That's when Boruto does the unexpected. He wraps his arms around her and whispers, "Goodnight." She rests her head on his chest and lets out a sigh. "Goodnight", she says back to him.

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