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It has been a few years of being a couple. You and Trent are in a healthy relationship with each other. But Trent has been acting really shy and strange lately. Why is he shy now. It has been 8 years.

Trent's P.O.V

It has been a few months of planning. I have been thinking of how to propose to (y/n) in a way she will like. Will she say yes. I hope so. Then I started heading to the store Kay so I can buy her an engagement ring. I was looking for the perfect one and then I found one. 

( The one above )

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( The one above )

This is perfect! I think that (y/n) will love it! I have all the planning and I finally got the ring. 

(y/n) P.O.V

Where is Trent? I haven't seen him today at all. Is there something wrong with me that he doesn't love me anymore? What is it? Then I heard Robin and Danny passing by Trent and I's room. Maybe they can tell me what is happening. " Hey Danny and Robin. Can you tell me why Trent is ignoring me." I asked. " Uhhh...we gotta go somewhere so Bye!" Danny said. Then they started running. What the f#$ck is happening?! So I just went to Bono's room (Since they all live together now if you haven't noticed) and I knocked on his door. Then Bono opened the door. "Hi (y/n). What's wrong?" He asked. "Well Trent has been ignoring me and now Robin and Danny are too. Is there something wrong with me that nobody is telling me?" I asked. "Look (y/n), all this is happening for a good reason. So don't worry, just wait and see what happens." Bono said. " Alright. I hope you are right." I said. " Do you want to watch a comedy with me? It will help you cheer up." Bono said. " Yeah. It wouldn't hurt." I said. Then Bono started looking through his DVD's and he found one. " Is it fine if we can watch clueless?" Bono asked. " Yeah. I never seen that movie. But I heard that it was very popular." I said. ( if you don't know what year it is in this book it is 2001) As we watched clueless the drug boy mentioned Nine Inch Nails. I was surprised. Then they also played a lot of Radiohead songs for their soundtrack. It was a good movie. 

1 week later...

Still (y/n) P.O.V

When I woke up this morning I saw Trent finally sleeping with me. He had his arms around my waist. And his face right by my neck. I missed this, why did he stop for those weird weeks? Then Trent started waking up. And he smiled when he saw me. " Good morning beautiful." He said. " Good morning." I said. I was still a little mad at him for ignoring me and now he is noticing me.    " Hey. What's wrong?" Trent asked. He looked a little worried. " You have been ignoring me for 3 weeks. What do you mean what's wrong?" I said. Then Trent just started kissing me. I missed his soft lips. Then I decided to kiss back. He started bringing me closer to him and he stopped kissing me. " I am so sorry I made you mad. But I couldn't tell you the reason why I have been ignoring you yet." He said. " And why is that? Don't tell me that you are back to drugs." I said. " Oh no of course not. I am still recovering from the damage that drugs did to me." Trent said. "Why can't you just tell me the truth then?" I said. " Well...it was going to be a surprise." Trent said. " Oh. Then don't tell me anything if it is a surprise." I said. " Thanks for understanding, I promise it will be worth it." He said. Then he started kissing me again. His soft lips moving passionately on mine. Then I kissed back. Then he started licking my bottom lip. I didn't open my mouth just to tease him. Then he just brought me so close to him that I can feel his hard pp. I gasped and he put his tongue in my mouth. His tongue exploring my mouth. Then after a minute of French kissing, he started kissing my neck. I moaned a little. And I felt him doing hickeys on my neck. I started to moan a little louder that maybe Robin and Danny could hear us. Lol. Then Trent and I stopped making out. " I love you handsome." I said. " I love you too beautiful. Never forget that." He said. " I forgive you for ignoring me." I said. Then Trent looked happy. " Well... today can we go on a date?" Trent asked. " Of course!" I said. " Alright then. Let's get dressed." Trent said.

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