Kinda I want to

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(B/n) means band name

(k/p/n) means keyboard player. He/she also plays synthesizer

Trent's P.O.V

I went to the concert of (b/n) since I was curious about how they perform. Then I saw the lead singer/lead guitarist looking at me. I guess she spotted me. Hope I won't be the reason if she messes up 😳 that would make it a mistake for me to come here. Then she started singing. But when she started singing there was something about her voice that sparked something in me. I started to get this new feeling I never felt before. Something replacing my strong feelings of melancholy. And my therapist said that I have a very strange  mental issue and I am not bipolar ( this is true) so how could this new feeling be replacing my melancholy?

(Y/n) P.O.V

Throughout the show I was really nervous but I didn't make that much mistakes since you know every concert is not perfect. I just didn't make a lot of mistakes. Now we just finished our last song and the whole crowd is cheering. I saw Trent smiling at me and clapping his hands. Then we all started going backstage and started to pack up our instruments. "Guys did you see who was in our concert?" I said. " Ummm....people?"(b/p/n) said. " Yes but that is not what I am talking about. Someone really famous went to our concert." I said. " Someone from the 50s" (r/g/p/n) said. " No! Someone who is currently really famous. And it is 1994." I said. " David Bowie?" (d/n) said. " No." I said. " uh Bono?" (b/p/n) said. "NO." I said. " Uhhh Marylin Manson." (r/g/p/n) said. " No not him either. I will just say it. Trent Reznor." I said. "What!" Everyone said. " No way!" (b/p/n) said. " That means that we are really turning out to be a successful band." I said. " Yeah I don't think that I want to break up the band like ever." (k/p/n) said. Then we all started walking out the backstage but then I    bumped into to someone. "I am so sorry-Trent!! Oh my gosh I-I" I said. " No I'm sorry. I should have seen you coming." Trent said. I started blushing a little. "No you don't have to be sorry." I said. " You don't have to be sorry either." Trent said. Then we were silent for a few seconds. Then Trent broke the silence. " So you want to hang out at my place so we can talk about your band." Trent said. "Of course! Let me see if my band mates are available." I said. Then I asked my band mates if they can come and only (r/g/p/n) can't come. Since he has a date with a fan🙄. I guess he is missing out. 

At Trent's House

I went up to the address that Trent told me to look for. Then I rang the doorbell already feeling nervous. Then Trent opened the door. " Hi (y/n). Come in." Trent said. I saw how his expression changed when he saw me. He seemed excited and happy. Like a little boy. Cute. When I walked in his house it was so beautiful. It was gothic too. It looks like my dream house. Then I also saw a studio with a whole bunch of synthesizers and guitars. There was also some basses ( Davie504 best YouTube bass player) and drums. It was amazing! I want to live here! 😩 " So. Do you like my house?" Trent said. " Y-yeah. I love this place!" I said. I don't know why I stammered. But maybe it is because I kinda have a little crush on him hehe. "So do you want anything to drink?" Trent said. " Sure! I will take a water." I said. " Alright." Trent said. He is such a gentleman. But I don't think he likes me like that. He probably just wants me as a friend 😔. 

Trent's P.O.V

As I was getting water I accidentally dropped the glass cup and it broke. "F$#ck!" I yelled. Then I tried to pick up the big pieces with my hand and I got a deep cut from that piece being stuck in me. " owww!" I yelled. Then (y/n) started coming in. " What happened Trent?" She asked. " I dropped the cup and then when I was trying to pick up the mess I got cut." I said annoyed. I wasn't annoyed at (y/n) I was annoyed about the fact that I was too dumb to think and sweep it up instead. " Here let me help you." (Y/n) said. Then she started sweeping the mess and then she went to my bathroom. She came out with alcohol wipes and bandages with some things to pull out the glass. " You don't have to do this if you don't know how. Besides. I am okay." I said. " My mom is a nurse. I could do this. And no you will not be okay. The cut can get infected. So let me help you." (y/n) said. Then she started pulling out the glass. Now my hand feels like it is on fire. "Ahhh!!! Owwwww!" I yelled. " If you stay still it won't hurt that much Trent." (y/n) said. Then she pulled out the glass and started to rub my cut with the alcohol wipe. "ow!" I yelled. Ugh this is not what I wanted to happen when she came but oh well. God has his reasons. Then she started putting ointment on it and started wrapping the bandaid on my hand. " Thank you (y/n). You didn't have to waste your time on me." I said. " Trent don't think that. I love helping people." (y/n) said. Wow. Not only is she beautiful but she is smart and kind. Am I falling for her? " Well now that this glass is taken care of let me show you my studio." I said Then I gave her another glass of water that I did not drop this time. "Thanks for the water" (y/n) said. " Of course." I said.

(y/n) P.O.V

I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe that I am even here with Trent! Is this just a dream? Am I still 12? I pinched myself and saw that this was a reality. Wow! This is a dream come true. Then we walked into Trent's studio and he started talking. " This is where I record my music." Trent said. " Wow! This place is amazing!" I said. Then I saw Trent plugging in a guitar. " You want to jam out together?" He asked. " O-of course! Then I heard the doorbell ring and my band mates finally came with Trent's band mates. I only saw Danny Lohner and Robin Finck come. I guess the other Nine Inch Nails band members can't come. Then my band mates and Trent's band mates started walking in. " Hi. If you don't know me I am Robin." Robin said. " And I am Danny" Danny said. " I know who you guys are and it is so nice to finally meet you guys!" I said. " It is nice to meet you too!" Robin said.  Then I started giggling. " what is so funny?" Danny said. " you said U2. Bono probably is counting how many times people say U2 everyday. Best band name ever!" I laughed.  Then Robin and Danny started laughing since they realized what I meant. " Man you are hilarious." Danny laughed. Then Trent walked in. " I see you met Robin and Danny. Let's all jam out in the studio." Trent said. Then my band mates and his band mates came in the studio and we started setting up our instruments. When we were all set up we started playing U2 songs, Trent's songs, and my songs. We were having so much fun that we didn't realize that it was 4 in the morning! Until Trent checked the time and he looked shocked. " Man time goes by really quickly. We should have been asleep four hours ago!" Trent said. " Can we sleep over you house Trent?" I asked. " Of course. How about we all sleep over here." Trent said. Then we all went to different guest bedrooms and I had my own guest bedroom. I wish Trent was here next to me. He probably will never think of me that way. Oh well. At least he will be my best friend. I should appreciate that. Then I started to drift off into sleep.

Annd that is it for this chapter. Sorry If I took a little long. I was playing my guitar and all that jazz. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Bye!

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