The Fragile

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(y/n) P.O.V

In the party last night when I threw my flowers Twiggy caught it and Twiggy and Marylin were kissing. I guess that they are a couple. They do make a great couple after all. Right now Trent and I are going to leave for our honeymoon. We are going to go to Paris for our Honeymoon. I was looking forward to going there. We were going to travel on a regular plane with regular people since we couldn't afford a private jet. We are not that rich. When people started boarding I saw some people staring at us. " Trent. Can you sign my breast?" A fan said. " Uh I can't sign anything right now. I am going on my Honeymoon. " Please Trent. I want you." The fan said. That made me mad at her. " Look, I don't know who you are to talk to my husband like that but can you please leave us alone right now. We don't have time for this right now." I said. " Alright jeez. Chill woman." The fan said. She was getting on my nerves. " I have a name you know." I said. " Enough both of you. (y/n) you are only pleasing her by getting all worked up. Just relax ok." Trent said. He does have a point. " Alright. Your right." I said. Then the fan just huffed and she just went all the way to the front of the line. If she does one more thing I swear I will show her what happens to brats like her. Then thankfully it was our turn to go on the plane so we handed the lady our passports. " Thank you for traveling in Volaris" she said. Then we boarded and we kept our sunglasses on to hide from the fans. Then we overheard one of them. " I master bate every night thinking of Trent" fan said. " Me too!" Another fan said. Ugh, seriously, that is just weird and crazy. Throughout the long flight I was sleeping on Trent's shoulder. I felt him rub my arm while I was sleeping. He was comforting me. Then I woke up because we were finally landing. Trent and I were holding hands while landing and then we made it to the Paris airport. Nobody really knows what Nine Inch Nails is in Paris since he isn't known internationally. Only a few people in the airport recognized him. The fans that rode with us and more fans going here from the U.S. Then we got through security and we got our luggage's and we left the airport. Trent and I started holding hands. Trent did tell me that one day he was going to tour in Europe since he was actually becoming more popular internationally. But we have to wait for more people to know Nine Inch Nails. Then we arrived to the hotel we are going to stay in. It was gothic and beautiful. We checked in and started heading to our hotel room. We went in our hotel room and both sat down. " Hey (y/n), is it too soon to have kids?" Trent asked. " Of course not. We can have kids now that we have been together for a while." I said. " Alright then." Trent said. Then he carried me and put me down gently on the middle of the bed. 

Lemon 🍋 warning ⚠️ 

Then Trent and I took off each other's clothes until we were naked. Then Trent started passionately kissing me. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me. Then he started leaving hickeys all over my body and I was moaning a lot. Then he started putting his member in my entrence. Without the condom. He waited for me to adjust to his size then he started thrusting in me. " ahh. T-Trent! It hurts!" I moaned. I was in pain for a bit until I finally felt pleasure. I started moaning a lot and Trent was too. He started French kissing me while thrusting in me and then we both started to cum and he released his sperm in me. "I love you Trent." I said. " I love you too beautiful." Trent said. Then he took out his member and we both fell asleep. 

Lemon 🍋 over

Trent wrapped his arms around my naked waist and brought me closer to him. 

The Next Day...In the night

Trent was taking me to the Eiffel Tower to see the whole view of the whole city. When we went up I saw the beautiful view of all the lights. " Wow. It is so beautiful up here." I said. " You make it more beautiful here (y/n). It wouldn't be so beautiful without you." Trent said. " Aw. That was so sweet Trent." I said. Then Trent blushed. " You are cute." I said. Then Trent blushed even more.    " N-no I am not." Trent said. He was still blushing. Then I just started kissing Trent on the lips. He kissed back. Then we stopped. " You are still cute." I said. Trent looked annoyed that I keep on calling him cute. " No you are." Trent said. " You are cuter." I said. 

After the Honeymoon...

Trent's P.O.V

(y/n) and I returned from our Honeymoon and it was an amazing trip. That is the last time I will be in Paris without any fan girls. Then as I was heading to the bathroom I heard somebody vomiting. I saw (y/n) vomiting when I opened the door. "Trent. We are going to be parents." (y/n) said. Then she held up a positive pregnancy test.

Cliffhanger!!!!! Sorry if it was a little short. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Until next time...

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