A Love Potion That Doesn't Exist

Start from the beginning

Once there, Draco took off the cloak, lit a candle, and began looking through the isles of books. "Draco!" Hissed Harry.

"What?" Draco snapped back. Would you stop calling me that? He thought to himself.

"I thought you didn't want to get caught?" Harry pulled the cloak down to where it only showed his head which looked like it was floating.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Really, Potter, I think it's fine." He stopped talking in a whisper now and kept looking through the books, "The five minutes we had to walk here from 'The Mrs. Norris run in' I thought to myself even if we did happen to be caught I doubt we would be in any trouble seeing as I am with the one and only Harry Potter, the one who undoubtedly defeated the Dark Lord himself; I really doubt that it would be possible that you could get in any trouble and me on the other hand, well I have you don't I? All you'd have to say would be something like: 'Oh Malfoy and I were just doing some late night studying you see...uh since we're such good friends now! Because I'm Harry Potter and I love everyone...blah blah blah.' See? Something like that Potter. Now have a seat and make yourself comfortable."

"Ok then, but why did we bring the invisibility cloak if you don't care about getting caught?" Harry pulled the cloak off and laid it across his arm.

"Well Potter, originally there was no 'we' but you're here now so like I said you can't get into trouble. So just sit Potter I wanna get back as soon as possible." He grabbed a book from the shelf, flipped through it, then shook his head irritably and returned it to its place on the self.

"But how do you know I won't get into trouble? I'm a kid like everyone else here." Harry said, shaking his head in confusion.

"You're not a kid, you're an adult, just like I am and the rest of the 8th years," Draco said, almost dully.

"I still don't understand...you could have just come here without the invisibility cloak then-"

"In the dead of night Potter?"

"Well, you said that I could do the same." Harry was having a hard time understanding this whole ordeal.

"Because you're Harry Potter and you can't get into trouble anymore."

"So you're saying you will though?"



"Given my past," Draco took a breath, "I thought that was clear to everyone, especially you Potter."


"Yes 'oh'." Draco tutted, "now sit would you!"

"Demanding much?" Harry tilted his head at him.

Draco just glared at him, the firelight making his eyes dance.

And to Harry's and Draco's surprise, he did indeed sit down, taking the cloak and hanging it on the back of the chair. He crossed his arms and slumped into the chair like a 5-year-old who just got his toy taken away.

Draco blinked, looking at the back of the unruly mop of black hair, that he wanted to run his hands through.

He scowled at his thoughts and went back to the books.

He appeared next to Harry sometime later with about seven books in hand.

"Jeez Draco, planning a wedding?"

Yes, with you. Shut up!

"Shut it, Potter, light another candle would you?"

Five minutes later with Draco's nose in a book, Harry spoke.

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