A Love Potion That Doesn't Exist

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He found himself in the library, got in with Potter's invisibility cloak, and truth be told that was a tough conversation to have with Potter. You don't need to know the details about that right now, but just how Potter had managed to let Draco use his cloak was a mystery within itself.

So after a fair bit of reasoning between them, Potter actually let him use his invisibility cloak. But the only thing that Draco had not intended to be included with his agreed-upon borrow meant was that Potter came along with him, to the location where he would be needing the cloak to get in.

That was not the plan at all. Nevertheless, Draco was desperate so he found himself sneaking outside of the west wing 8th-year common room door with Harry Potter by his side, a gleeful grin on that adorable face. Draco couldn't help but take one look at it and smile. He cursed himself for it. I mean this was the whole reason why he wanted to go to the library in the first place, to get rid of that smile that played simply across his face as he listened to Harry talk like he was 12 again.

"This is exciting you know, sneaky out, late at night, I mean I used to do this all the time! It was either just I or I'd take Hermione and Ron sometimes. With this very cloak, you know my dad had this before I did, and in my first year here, Dumbledore gave it to me as a present and-"

Harry stopped talking immediately once he noticed Draco's breath hitch. He knew then that he shouldn't have mentioned Dumbledore because not only did that bring horrible memories for him but it did for Draco as well just judging by the look on his face.

Stupid me, Harry thought.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"You're always sorry Potter, just shut it ok? Do you want Flinch to hear us?"Draco snapped in low tones, turning down a corridor and dragging Harry with.

Harry gritted his teeth, stumbling over the stone a little, trying to stay under the cloak. "Well maybe if you would stop hurling me down the corridor, then maybe my foot wouldn't accidentally slip from under the cloak and be seen by a certain cat that would be right in front of us, yes, then maybe we wouldn't be caught."

"Oh, you sarcastic piece of shit there's no c-"
A hand covered Draco's mouth in an instant, Harry's hand and with his other, he pointed forward at Mrs. Norris who was advancing towards them. Draco's eyes went wide with understanding of Harry's words that were spoken moments ago and also fear. How much trouble had he already gotten into? If he got caught doing something as simple as going to the library at night with Harry Potter of all people, they might just think he was going to poison the boy to get revenge on his precious Dark Lord.

Ok, Draco admitted, that was kinda stupid. No, it was ridiculous.

Harry silently moved to the right of the hall, pushing Draco with the side of his body, his hand still covered over his mouth. Once at the wall he stopped and prayed that the red-eyed cat would keep walking on, her head turned sharply to them, squinting her eyes, then turning feverishly around she stocked off.

Harry let out a breath of relief as he saw the end of the cat's tail disappear out of sight as it turned a corner. And at that same time something wet had licked his hand, he yelped, his hand falling free from Draco's mouth and it was Draco's turned to cover his mouth to keep his shouts at bay. "Now would you shut up? We don't want the feline to come back." With that being said he released his hand but Harry still had a few things to say.

"What was that you arse?!"Harry whispered hissed, rubbing his hand on his cloak trying to get Draco's spit from it. "Ugh!! What the fuck Draco?!"

Draco all but smirked at him and then he proceeded to drag Harry along the rest of the way to the library.

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