Mistletoe With A Twist

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A/N: So I wrote this about a year ago and just like never finished it even tho I was really close to, but anyways I came back to it today (March 14 2022) and thought I would finish it and publish it. I hope you guys enjoy it. There is probably a lot of mistakes in this so sorry.


It happened the day before break.

Draco was to stay at Hogwarts during the Christmas break anyways. He would have loved to see his mother for the holidays but with Narcissa being on house arrest brought the Aurors too. Draco loathed that his mother was under constant supervision seeing as he knew his mother had no evil plans to fulfill. So it was either Hogwarts or Draco trying to enjoy a simple dinner with his mother, while Aurors would be breathing down their necks.

As for Harry, he would have been leaving for Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, the house he owned. He would then join the Weasleys for Christmas.

But of course, this would not happen for Harry.

The mistletoe had been in ways to say...insane throughout December. People suspected it to be jinxed since it had a strange amount appearing out of nowhere around the castle. It would catch you off guard whenever. Students would be having a normal conversation in the hall and when they would go their separate ways, soon would find out they couldn't, because what felt like a solid wall, which was essentially true but not visible, was encircling them. For there was an invisible circle trapping the two victims inside it until they kissed, the mistletoe above mocking them.

And unsurprisingly this exact mistletoe trapping happened to Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

It was stupid really how the two boys ended up in this situation seeing as you would never see them talking or anywhere close to each other unless it was a snide remark coming from Draco. And this was one of those cases, Malfoy had to comment on Harry signing a book that belonged to a first-year. The story for that was the Ravenclaw first-year boy came running up to Harry, begging him to sign his book, saying he was a hero to him. As much as Harry hated this and refused to sign many people's books, shoes, posters, and even broomsticks he just couldn't help but feel guilty later if he didn't sign the boy's book who was looking up at him as if he were a god.

"Er sure." Harry finally said taking a nervous glance around, fearing if other people saw, a big crowd would take their chance and swarm him. But right as Harry began to sign his name Malfoy walked around the corner with Parkinson and Zabini tailing him.

Great. Harry thought. He glowered at them still holding the little boy's book in his hand.

"Ah what do we have here? Potty actually handing out autographs now, that one." He indicated the little boy that hid behind Harry's leg. "Must be a special one then or maybe did the chosen one take pity on the young thing?"

Pansy cackled but Zabini just rolled his eyes, Harry narrowed his eyes menacingly at Malfoy over the book, "Shut your mouth, Malfoy."

Draco barked with laughter, "Don't wanna admit huh?"

"I don't have anything to admit but maybe you do." Harry shot back.

Draco took a step forward and said darkly, "And what would that be?"

"That you're just upset that you didn't get your diary signed by the famous Harry Potter."

Automatically Draco's cheeks shot red and Harry smirked in satisfaction.

"H-how dare you, Potter-"

"-assume you wanted me to sign your diary why you wanted me to sign-" but before Harry could finish his sentence Draco punched him. Harry staggered back holding his nose, the book and pen falling from his hands. The little Ravenclaw made a head-dive for his book then ran off without another look.

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