Chapter two

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The sun gleams down through the cluster of trees, birds sing their beautiful songs as I pack up my stuff. My long black hair draps against the dirt, I grab a hair tie and tie my hair into a tight ponytail. I make sure that all my stuff is tied down to my pack.

I start walking through the forest looking for some sign of human life, the dew glistens on the leaves. The strong smell of mossy wood smacks me in the face as I continue on my journey. A slight breeze shakes the trees, it's a wondrous sight.

I stop by a still pond, I take in my horrible completion. My brown eyes are bloodshot and my hair is messy and my face is badly bruised.

I kept walking into the forest.

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~ Time Skip ~

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I heard voices of some kind am I going crazy?! I followed them through some thick bushes. I slipped and fell into another bush, "D-Did you hear that?" a woman said who stood next to the bush. "Oh Lydia there is nothing around here!" a young girl's voice said that but I couldn't pinpoint where she was. "Aw but I know I heard something this time!" Lydia said.

"Yo Decon when is the truck gonna be here?!" I moved some leaves to see a girl in punk style clothes and black and purple hair. "Welp I don't know I was told that he was going to be here by sunrise" I shifted around to see Decon who wore ratty old clothes and he had long shaggy hair and a few piercings. "Aww fuck I already packed up the camp I am not spending a whole day unpacking it just to pack it up again!" the punk girl stomped her foot as if she was a child. "Langue Raven!" I looked around to find a little girl in overalls and twin braids.

"Oh go fuck your self you little shit" Raven shoved the little on onto the ground "Hey Raven! We talked about this if you want to do that shit you're out of the crew!" Decon got up in her face pushing her away from the little kid. She punched him right in the face, Decon looked at her sternly before grabbing her by the throat.

"Now you have two options, you could run off and never tell anyone about this or you can shut the hell up and do your job!" he screamed right into her face. "Fine, I'll play nice," Raven said with a sly grin.

Decon let her fall to the dirt but she came back up and punched him in the jaw making Decon fall down. She placed her foot on his throat pushing harder and harder. I jumped out of the bushes and ramed right into Raven's side tackling her to the ground. "What the fuck? Who are you? Get the hell off me!" Raven failed and tried to kick me off but my grip was too good and she has lost.

I balled my fist and bashed it against her temple, knocking her out instantly. "Oh my gosh you killed Raven?!" the little girl wailed "what no?! she is just unconscious"

"Hmh not bad, I'm Decon what's your name?" he held his hand out to help me up. "I'm Lieyan'' I took a hold of his hand and with one mighty tug he pulled me up.

"Nice to meet you Lieyan, that is Lydia and that's Terra she is the youngest, oh and there is Twitch and Bobby but they aren't here at the moment"

"So what are you guys?"

"We are the crew!" Terra said with a beaming smile.

"Yeah well that's a nickname but really we are just a group of misfits, runaways, and broken souls and we are always welcoming new members to join the Crew" Deacon said eyeing me questionly.

"So you're like the leader?"

"Yeah I started this crew with another girl named Fawn but sadly she left us about a year ago"

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