Chapter One

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I will normally post songs that have the same vibe of the chapter so if you want to hear some good music that inspired me to write then watch/listen to the songs I post I also might make a playlist with all of them at the end I don't know yet. 


I was walking down the muddy gravel street towards my friend Robecca's house. I tried to keep my shoes from getting too muddy but I don't think it was helping. I wiped my stray tears away hoping that I don't run into anyone that I know. I walked up the familiar stairs and hesitated before I rang the doorbell. I know for a fact that I look like crap and do I really want to see them like this?

I turned to leave when the door creaked open behind me and a hand dragged me inside. I looked up to see Robecca standing emotionless "How d-did you know?" I asked with my voice shaking. Robecca unlocked her phone and showed me a picture of me and my dad, my dad's face was flustered and his fist are raised coming right for me. "Oh ... Sorry you had to see that" I said trying to keep myself together. Robecca gave me a sad look before she went upstairs to her room, I didn't know what to do so I just went to the bathroom to try to clean up.

I splashed a good amount of water onto my face, I looked up to see my eyes were puffy and my right cheek bone was badly bruised and swollen and I had a few cuts that were under my eye. My hair was all over the place and my skin looked gray and dull. I sighed knowing that I need to sterilize the wounds, I got out a box from under the sink. I carefully went through it trying not to make too much noise, eventually I found so hydrogen peroxide and a bandage. I poured some peroxide into a cotton ball and dapped at my wound, it bubbled up like crazy. I winced as I got to a bigger wound I bit down on the bandage trying not to scream.

I carefully put the bandage over my cheek and eye, I decided that I would just make a big eye patch until the wounds under my eye healed. I poked some small holes into it so I could still see. I stumbled out of the bathroom trying to get used to only having one good eye, I found Robecca searching through her kitchen for something. "What are you looking for?" she jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Look Lieyan you can't stay here and I know that you have no other friends so I was making you a pack" Robecca held up her old camping bag. "Oh so you're saying that I should leave?".

"Well you can't go back, you can't stay here, and there are no parties tonight so you need to make a new name for yourself out there not here. Remember how you talked about going to California's coast?" Robecca had a slight pain in her voice. "Yeah but I thought we were going to go there together?" my voice cracked as I spoke. She sighed and looked at me with pain filled eyes "I am almost done with school and I don't want to drop out now ... but maybe when I'm done we can I dunno meet up or something?" She sounded so unsure of herself it made me worry about my future.

"I-I would like that but please don't change your number though" I pleaded to her. Robecca gave me a sad nod as she handed me the travel pack. "I put some of my old clothes in there and some necessities along with all the spare food I could find" Robecca was always so caring towards me and I never understood why.

I sat the pack down and wrapped my arms around her in a soul crushing hug, I knew that I was gonna really miss her. She hugged me back even tighter than I hugged her "Good luck" she whispered softly into my ear "bye" I said softly

I grabbed my pack and walked out the door. It was raining like crazy now and the wind is so strong I can feel it through my jeans. I flipped up my hood and pulled the strings until almost all my horrible face was gone. I walked off the nice wooden deck down into the muddy mess below, mud sloshed all over my clean jeans and slightly muddy shoes. I waded through the mud until I got to the road, there are no cars out in this bad weather from what I can see.

I kept walking off the main road just in case someone was looking for me. However there are only two bridges that lead out of town and I don't feel like trying to cross a river in a rainstorm. I walked back onto the main road being careful not to walk under any light polls. I stopped in the middle of the walkway for the old rickety bridge where you could see the river for miles. The soft pitter patter of the rain smacking the water made me glad that I used this good old bridge.

I just had to walk a little farther until I was greeted with a welcome sign "Riveren, Home to the Guan family, great Kung Fu masters of Riveren" I read the sign out loud to myself it was like this whole town was built around my family's heritage.

I walked past the sign without looking back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Time Skip ~

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I don't know where I am or how long I walked but I got scared and wandered off the highway because I didn't want to be recognized. I know not the smartest idea but I can't change it now cause I don't even know where the road is! I stopped near an abandoned farmhouse and made a little makeshift camp. I layed out my bed roll and my blankets, I searched around for some rocks and placed them in a circle. I grabbed some dead grass that wasn't wet and placed it into the circle.

I grabbed my unused lighter and with one flick it released a soft glowing flame in no time. I carefully started a small fire for warmth during the freezing cold. Why did I leave during the fall I could have left any other time but it had to be now?

I shivered when the wind picked up, I blocked the fire with my body to keep it from going out. I wrapped myself up like a burrito in the blankets that I had. Somehow I could still feel the bitter wind. This is gonna be a long night. 

Coast - Lieyanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن