They paused their walk for a moment to issue a strong heart stopping pose that the over paid paparazzi snapped up in their thousands, the deep white flashes further highlighting their perfectly painted faces.. they stole every gasp of air within the space.. they knew it too

Camila lent over to whisper indicating them to continue their walk as they head into the club matching each other's walk.. it's not like they had prepared the strut but still it looked magnificently staged in every way possible.. upon entering their bodies led straight over towards a vip booth that had drinks already laid and lights echoing throughout the 3 walls of curtains, Sam and Zach followed in quickly behind wasting no time in gulping back the free shots on tap like water from a hose

Camila turn quickly to Lauren grabbing both her arms and chin to try and gain her full attention in the bounds of excitement in being out with her favourite people, her glistening green eyes locking onto her girlfriends only waiting for her to speak as her eager feet shuffle below her

"Hey Lauren baby, hey! Look at me ok! Nobody and I repeat nobody in this club is your friend! Nor do they want to be ok? so no matter what anyone says or tells you..."

"Bad bitch attitude!"

"That's my girl! now go play!"

Camila respond playfully but also proudly as she released the girl off to grab a drink amongst the bellowing blaring music that sank deep into their bones in the best way possible.. she knew she had to direct Lauren in who she should or shouldn't be speaking to as previously proved she wasn't the best in gauging peoples intentions.. swaying her away from every soul in sight was probably the best way to stop any further altercations..

Camila joined Fallon and Lauren's bodies shorting back drinks as they playfully dance around grabbing at each other's hips with wide smiles while Sam and Zach watch on with slightly intimidated gazes, their wide eyes locking onto their powerful statutes

"Wow.. they're like some Charlie's angels type shit.."

"You're telling me.. those are some spicy mamas.."

Sam giggled wrapping his glossy lips around his straw continuing his stare as Camila and Lauren began grinding on each other in time with the sensual but up beat music, the night so far so good in that everyone was getting along.. nobody was holding a grudge

"Hey you think Camila will go public about having a new sister though?"

"Fuck no.. she won't be aloud to.. that PR would be a train wreck.. let's be honest she made her billions being the worlds abandoned child!"

Zach spoke knowing all too well how the younger had made her fortune.. being a Lone Ranger only made her look more powerful to the public as her trade Mark landed as 'making her own success' it was genius to say the least..

"Weird to think a year ago she had no one and now she has a whole fucking family right?"

"I never thought she'd get a girlfriend let alone this.."

Sam uttered remembering the girls attitude towards 'needing people' in the past.. she'd always pride her self on being self sufficient.. needing no one but herself and some lucky girl to spend the night once in a while.. now she had an entire army surrounding her...

Across the room Lauren had found herself wondering out with Fallon into the main dance floor getting closer towards the speakers before settling to dance, taking in the drama free moments with her long time best friend.. she flew in to grab the woman's waist moving around in circles with a wide beaming smile, one that Fallon only craved to see even after all of this time

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