Why didn't you kiss me sooner?

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The few months turn into a couple of years, you're always tempted to write to your friends, to abandon the mission and go back, but you fight the longing and persist. And yet, you can't find happiness here. The friendships that sprout here and there are timid shadows of what you've experienced back home. Having a goal makes things easier, you don't feel so lost, you have something to pursue, something to work for. When the mission is over, you're offered to start another one but decline. You're not even tempted to accept. You want to go home so desperately.
Your hair has grown, you're taller, more sure of who you are and what you want, you've grown into a woman but feel incomplete and broken. The thought of walking into Konoha again makes your heart flutter with excitement. All the pain is still there, but it's not ruling your life anymore, you're wiser now. You're scared they've moved on, that they've forgotten, that they'll feel like you'd betrayed them and not accept you back. You push the fear away, it doesn't matter how they feel about you, you love them dearly.

 You push the fear away, it doesn't matter how they feel about you, you love them dearly

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You wear your festive outfit, your hair loose, no weapons on you, no bandana. As you enter and go past the gates you yell "HELLOOOO, I'M HOOOOME, WHERE'S MY RAMEN?". People stop in the street and turn to you and in return, you smile largely at them. You try to look cool, walk slowly, confidently, but can't wipe the stupid smile off your face or control the butterflies in your stomach. As you enter your house's street, you stop dead in your tracks and let out a gasp. Obito looks at you petrified for a moment, then his stern look grows softer and softer into a big smile, he lifts his arm into a wave but you don't let him greet you, you dash past him and hug Ande from behind. Obito lets his arm fall slowly and painfully. Both you and Ande start crying and laughing at each other, there's so much you want to say, you don't know where to start.
"Start at day one?"
"It's a long story"
"I have all the time. How about we meet everyone and you can share everything with everyone and everyone can share everything with you?" she asks.
"I was so afraid I lost you"
"Hmm? How could you have lost me?", Ande asks confused.
"I didn't know if you'd still wanted to be my friend, I've been a terrible friend to you, you've helped me when I was low and sad and I just left you..."
"That's not even remotely true, I'm here because of you, you've always encouraged and pushed me to get better, I got more confident watching you and getting praised by you, so thank you."
You hug each other and cry, she helps you settle back in your home and prepare the festivities. "OMG LET'S MAKE THIS INTO A SURPRISE!"
"yes, let's!" You accompany her home, to prepare things. When you enter, Tenzou is lounging on the couch, reading a scroll.

"You're back already, was lady Oro not at home?" Ande gives you a side look and smiles embarrassed. You slowly realise what's going on and the smile on your face grows wider and wider. He looks up when Ande doesn't reply, as he sees you, the scroll goes flying out of his hands, he jumps up and then falls back down on the couch in disbelief, then starts to slowly get up again.
" You absolute moron!"
He takes you by surprise with a hug and ruffles you hair violently. You feel everyone has grown so much taller, but it might just be that you remember them as kids. His grip is tight, you feel so small in his arms, you pinch his ribs
He takes a step back, hand still on your head, bows to lock eyes with you
"I missed you"
You're fixing your hair, while watching him and smiling warmly
"I missed your stupid face like crazy too"
Ande comes near you two, he takes the hand off your head and wraps his arm around her waist. Ande places her hand on Tenzou's back and smiles at you. Your hear melts at those gestures of intimacy that come so naturally and unconsciously to them, not bothered by your presence, no hiding, no second-guessing, no shame, no worries, you remember that this is what being with Shisui felt like, it makes you happy to know Ande can experience that as well. You don't ask about it, what is there to ask? You already know everything, it's so natural and beautiful you just instantly accept and understand their relationship.
"We're so happy to have you back, are you fully back?" she asks
"Yes, you guys are my home, and I really missed being home."
"We should start preparing then!", she says eagerly

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