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Diana had only to suffer from the uncomfortable feelings that bombered her heart, and occasionally she had been suffering from her uncle's unprecedented allusions of Samson.

But as for the gentleman himself, his feelings were neatly expressed, not by his manner but by his words and actions. He spoke to her sweetly, with his focused attentions which he had given to her.

But for today, Diana had hoped that his uncle resentment might shorten his visit, but his plan did not appear to be at least affected by it. He was always there when Samson was there, which made his reason even more unreasonable.

After breakfast, Diana walked silently by herself to reflect on her days ahead. She was soon joined by Samson who seemed to look quite well dispite his slow recovery.

"I found," he said "as the time pass by that I had better relax somewhere else, at least. Maybe to be in the same building with you for so many hours, might be the most I can get. "

" I have always been used to a very large building , i love you too well, it would be devastating not to want to see you here even for a long hour. "

" perhaps, if I could just marry you, right here, right now."

She giggled for a bit then replied." Right now, with you in this terrible state. "

He smiled handsomely. " I would if I can....Thinking about it now, we could be with each other, But of course I see that your uncle permits us from doing so. "

" We must wait. " she answered diligently." It may be for many years, but we must."

"That uncle of yours must be a very good supporter for you; and he is undoubtedly supported by his lovely neice. If his neice was to be at least free, for an hour or two, it be very helpful."

"look Samson." She called out s she reached for his hands. " Your love for me," she said , "has been pretty well put to the test, by our long, very long absence since first meet, and it has stood the trial so well, that I should be unpardonable to doubt it now. I can safely say that you have never gave me a doubt of our love and you never well. "

Samson hardly knew whether to smile or sigh at this assertion.But he smiled anyways.

Samson went on. "I am rather of a jealous temper too by nature, that man you call Edward, do you regard him as a friend or more?"

She sighed a short sigh. " He's just a friend."

He approached her closer as he responded. " Good, I was just making sure."


Soon after their return, a letter was delivered to her; it came from London. The envelope contained a sheet of elegant, little, hot-pressed paper, well covered with manly, flowing hand. and her countenance change as she read it, and saw her dwelling intently on some particular passages. She recollected herself soon, and putting the letter away, tried to join with her usual cheerfulness in the general conversation; but she felt an anxiety on the subject, which drew off her attention even from Samson, who was witted in front of her in the dinning room; and no sooner when dinner was over, a glance from Samson invited her to follow him upstairs. Diana, taking out the letter, said:

"This is from your uncle; what it contains has surprised me a good deal. The whole party have left their homes by this time, and are on their way here-and without any intention of leaving till you do. You shall hear what she says."

He then read the first sentence aloud, which comprised the information of him having to stay at her residence.

"It is unlucky," she said, after a short pause, "that you should not be able to stay before my birthday."

"So he decidedly says that none of the party will return to their homes if I do. I read it. "

Hs continued to roam the letter in his hands, His gentle eyes swiftly left him, his eyes flashed with indignance and anger, much like lightning on a pitch black night. Even Diana couldn't recognize him anymore.

He was about to utter some words before the door open silently.

" Your majesty, you have some visitors awaiting for you."

Samson uttered silently under his breath. " It's must be him."

Diana and Samson both existed the dinning room and entered the guest room. As they walk in, they sense the tension in his manner, there was a tightness in his face and his eyes move more robotically. Every move he makes is as if he's got some clock ticking in his head, perhaps that's the countdown to his next explosion. I doubt there is a thing in this world that can bring him joy, not a flower or a sunrise...Samson thought.

As he approaches Samson, then he begins to speak. " Are you ready?" he asked, expecting him to be.

" Clearly, I am not."

" you must have read the letter I sent you right?"

"No, I didn't" He lied knowly.

" Even if you didn't, get ready and we're going."


"No discussion."

"But I can't- I'm clearly not well"

He shook his head. " We'll nurse you in our home, not here. Now go, please. I do not want to have to shout to get you to listen."

"Our home?" He shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't care about what he had just told him. "You are merely my uncle, not my father to be ordering a grown man like me around," He said outloud.

Then his uncle's words rose gravely over his: "You cannot live with the Queen. What would society think of this huh. The Queen and a man like you Samson." he continued " its merely impossible."

He turned to Diana before he spoke once more. " Am sorry for his ignorance and his actions, if you don't mind we'll take our leave. "

Diana was left speechless and she only nooded, as he lead Samson out.

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