chapter 23

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Samson uncle was not seen in the near distance, he had expected him to be standing outside, however, he seemed to be sat in the carriage sheltering himself. He got into the carriage. His uncle's face was concentrated on the newspaper in his hands, he did notice Samson enter, not until his eyes peered at him with an irritated expression.

"What took you so long?" He asked, his eyes still plugged on him.

" I had to inform the Queen about something?" He lied. He sat down on the carriage seat.

" I hope you still recollect what I told you samson. She is now the Queen and your still the man you were, you should keep your distance when possible."

He was silent.

The whole journey home was quite lengthy, he and his uncle were reserved all the way. They both were used to their speechless communication, as the two only spoke when needed.

When the carriage had stooped, Samson hastily departed from it and hurried to the front door, he opened it and descended up to his room, in a minute he was out of sight.

Samson would have thought his uncle was settled by now, however, he came across very indignant. He knew himself to keep his distance from the Diana, now that she was Queen, but he was annoyed at his uncle's repeated warnings. If it wasn't for his respectful manner he would have been ashamed to look his uncle in the face.


The whole night he was awake, and in the most of it, he mind was immersed in the words of Mr Leonard. The words that he had told him, still managed to linger in his mind. And though he had tried not to let his words affect him, it made him troubled about his feelings towards Diana. Even now, he wondered what he had meant.

When he was with Diana he had made sure to maintain the distance between them, he even had to fight the edge to talk to her as he normally did. His mind soon shifted from his deep thought and back to reality.

Despite him been depleted, he pulled himself up from his bed and went to bathe himself. After he had finished his bath, he put on his modest black suit, and Before he made himself ready to leave, he sprinkled some scent on himself and adjusted his slanted bow tie. When he was ready, he stepped out of his room and walked straight to the dinner table, where breakfast was already waiting for him.

" Good morning Samson" Emma greeted cheerfully.

" Good morning" He responded as he sat down on his chair.

His uncle on the other hand was fixed on his letters, his eyes never shifted from it. When he had finished his letters, he moved them away.

" Emma, I have arranged for a meeting with the duke, sir Cain. He should be coming today so make yourself presentable. I don't want to see you wondering elsewhere"

Emma frowned at her father's words. " But papa I'm not r-"

" You are ready Emma, you are of the right age to be espoused"

" But pa-"

" I don't want any unreasonable explanations to why you can't. Be ready at two"

She frowned again and sighed hopelessly. She gazed at Samson, her expression was almost like plead for him to intervene, however, he looked back at her and said nothing.

" And Samson, I need to see you in my office after this" He ordered.

Samson couldn't determine if their next conversation would turn into a controversy so instead, he responded." I have somewhere else to attend, so if you may excuse me." He pushed his chair back and stood upright.

" Samson!"

" Not now uncle," He said before he strolled out of the dining room.

His uncle's face looked like he had just witnessed something outrageous. His eyes looked like flames ready to roar out its wrath. Emma saw his expression and she quickly tried to ease it down.

Samson headed outside, he needed some fresh air, he also needed to relieve his thoughts. In the past, he and his uncle seem to get along very well but now things had changed, he and his uncle always argued and even if they didn't his uncle's words never seem to soothe down the tension between them.

" Samson, there you are. I was looking for you everywhere"

He didn't say a word, he was still quiet.

" You and papa need to sort things out. "

He sighed before he responded. " We can sort things out ourselves, Emma, there's no need for you to intervene" He continued " You probably should be getting ready by now, uncle did say by two"

She responded in a quick and strenuous tone. " I have no reason to attend, I don't know the man and he probably doesn't too"

" Well... do as you please" He took his eyes from the beautiful setting and started to walk off.

" But I don't want to be joined with Mr Cain, I want to be with you" she continued to express her genuine feelings. " I want to be with you Samson"

Samson stopped, he turned his head to face Emma. Emma held his gaze even though she was fearful of what Samson would say next.

" if you're saying this because you want to avoid seeing that man, then don't, this isn't the right time"

She walked up to him ." I do love you, Samson."

" I don't have time for this Emma" He glanced at her. " Get ready at two, uncle is already mad at me, I don't want him laying his anger on you"

" I'm serious " Samson didn't seem to hear her next statement as he headed out of the garden and left her behind.


Later in the morning, Diana got herself ready to send off her father. She wore a black long veil down her face and her dress was simple and jet black.

She and her uncle stood at the front of the cremation. Everyone's heads were down except Diana's. Maybe it was them showing respect of maybe there were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the carriage by six strong men, all wearing suits. The silence dwelled as they entered the church. It wobbled as they carried it to the front and gently placed it down.

The coffin was dark stained cherry and it was perfectly polished. It had a cushioned and silky lining. She pleased to know that at least her father was resting in a comfortable place.

She stood by her uncle the whole time. Her tears insisted to pour out, but she resisted, she tried to look strong even though she was miserable inside. She kept it together until the coffin passed her and that's when all the memories came flooding back like a tidal wave. She stared blankly at it, her tears overcome her strong will. And although he was already gone, her soul refused to acknowledge it.

At the end of the service, they consigned her father to the grave. It was the last time she would ever see her papa, and she knew deep inside that part of her would always remember him.


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