"Hey! I was NOT oblivious." Katara crossed her arms.

"Puh-lease! You cannot be serious, Sweetness? You wouldn't be able to notice the difference between Aang proposing to you and Aang asking you to help him with a waterbending technique. You two are blinder than me!"

"Okay, enough!" Katara yelled. "I'm heading to bed now, it's pretty late."

"Alright, see ya in the morning Sugarqueen."

Katara began to march toward her room before hearing Toph call from behind. "Oh and by the way, Sweetness. While you and Twinkletoes were making out, the captain said we're expected to arrive to the Northern Water Tribe in the morning. Don't worry, you'll have your 'sweetie' soon enough." Katara spun her heel to face Toph and opened her mouth to speak before being interrupted. "And before you say it, I know you two weren't making out. I just know that it's what you wanted to do."

Katara turned back around and ducked her head with a blush. She opened her door with a defeated groan knowing she had been bested by Toph once again.


"Katara, Katara! Wake up!"

She grabbed her brother's wrist. "What?" she said grumpily. She did not like being interrupted in the middle of her sleep.

"I think you need to do an examination on Aang!" Sokka said worriedly.

She immediately sat up. The thought of Aang possibly being hurt outweighed her need for sleep. "Why? What's wrong?"

"His tattoos are glowing, but he's asleep. We've tried waking him up, but it's no use."

Katara immediately hopped out of her bed and sprinted through the halls. Sokka followed shortly after.


As he arrived, Katara had already began healing Aang.

"So what's going on, Katara?"

Katara had a confused look on her face. "I feel his spirit, it's reconnecting... It feels less broken than when I originally examined him."

She kept healing, some of the pieces started attaching back together. Katara and the rest of Team Avatar kept a close watch on Aang for the next 30 minutes until his arrows stopped glowing and he started waking up.

Aang rubbed his temple, shut his eyes, and shook his head. "Spirits," he groaned.

"What?" Katara asked.

"It hurts," he whispered weakly.

Katara looked back at the rest of the Gaang with a worried look and turned back to face him. "Where does it hurt?"

"My whole body, but especially the chakra areas. It started to hurt during my visions."

"Your visions?" Katara asked, confused.

Aang nodded.

"Are you sure they were visions? Maybe they were just terrible dreams," Katara said.

"They couldn't have been just dreams... they felt too real. Not all of my visions were bad though."

"What do you mean?" Katara asked.

Aang blushed and averted his gaze from Katara. "Well, I should tell you about my bad vision first."

Team Avatar got closer and huddle around Aang so they could hear his story better, aside from Toph who could already hear Twinkletoes pretty well.

"I was standing on top of a spike. There was a man in the distance standing on another spike. He had long dark hair and a long beard as well. He was a firebender... we began to fight and I was losing. He almost killed me multiple times. Eventually, he backed me into a corner, he was about to kill me until I went into the Avatar State. He started running and I chased him down. I had almost killed him, but I stopped myself. I don't understand how I did it, but I took away his bending and defeated him."

"This sounds a lot like his battle with Firelord Ozai," Sokka whispered to Toph.

"That's because it is, you dunderhead," Toph responded.

Katara grabbed Aang's hand. "Okay, what about your other 'vision'?"

Aang's face began to flush once again. "Well, I uh... I'm not exactly sure if it was a vision. It was probably just a dream."

"Well, why don't you tell us just in case it is a 'vision'?" Katara asked.

"I-it's personal, and it's really not important information," Aang explained.

"I think you should still tell us," Katara said, trying to squeeze the memory out of him.

"O-okay fine." Aang began rubbing the back of his neck. "Well erm, you and I were by a cliffside..."

He looked to Katara and she nodded for him to continue.

"Well... I called you 'my forever girl' and then we kissed."

Both Katara and Aang looked away with their fingertips touching. Their faces were scorched red.

"BAHAHAHAHA!" Toph laughed. She began to wipe a tear from her face.

"What?! Katara! You guys kissed another time before even dating!? Are you serious right now?!" Sokka screamed.

"That wasn't a memory, Sokka! It must've actually been a vision or just a dream!" Katara yelled back.

"Memories? Dating? What do you mean that it could've actually been a vision?" Aang asked.

The world began to spin around him and he started to feel sick before eventually blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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