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Dream figured he's joke his way out of an explanation.

"Its a door." George rolled his eyes.

"No shit. I mean what's behind it?" Dream walked in front of him.

"No need to know." George attempted to push him out the way. Dream pushed him back harshly.

"Ow-" Dream glared at him.

"My house. Don't need to be nosey." George looked down.

"Sorry.." A slight fear started to build up.

He didn't like that Dream was annoyed. The thought of them actually fighting terrified him. He looked back to the door after Dream walked around him. Patches furiously ate her food. George stood there for a minute, zoning out, looking out the door. Dream knew what would be behind it. It would most likely scare George away if he couldn't explain it all right.

"Okay sorry that was.. Uncalled for." George looked to him.

"It's alright.. Sorry." Dream looked at the door.

"I just.. It's.." He stammered. "Well basically I just shoot for fun. There have been a.. Few accidents I should say.." Dream tried his best to form a lie.

He knew it would screw everything up if George knew his side job.

"What happened.?" George asked, now concerned. Dream's breathe relaxed.

"Nothing you need to know about.. Another thing."

He remembered his new task tonight, which he thought should be mentioned. He shook his head.

"Never mind." He just had to not get caught.

"No tell me." George said. Dream sighed again.

"No thanks.." He didn't want to explain another thing or cause more suspicion even though not saying anything was more suspicious than telling and not explaining. George shrugged it off, and walked back to his room.

"Wanna stream?" Dream asked suddenly, trying to fix the slight tension. George turned around in the hallway.

"What would we stream? I don't have my PC." Dream groaned.

"I forgot- Sorry.. We don't have too!" George laughed, and walked back put to him.

"It's okay." His phone buzzed in his pocket.

An alarming beep sounded on Dream's phone. He pulled it up, and reading the warning, turned on the television.

"What is it?" George asked, moving to look at the T.V.

Dream watched the women speak about the upcoming harsh storm.

"This tropical storm coming from the coastline is now at a category one. Weather specialists say it wont get any worse but be weary. No need to evacuate. Stay safe everyone." George sighed, and looked out the window behind the couch.

Full buckets poured off the roof, and the entirety of the grass was filled with water. Wind blew trees, and the shutters on the blinds rattled quietly.

"Okay. See it's not too bad!" Dream said, turning to George with a smile. George forced a small smile, still concerned.

"Hey trust me this house is built for this kind of weather. It's a Florida house George." He said, trying to joke.

"I know.." George looked to him, before Dream sat on the couch. The channel changed. George sat next to him, and Patches jumped up. She laid above his head on the couch back, her tail occasionally whipping his face as if saying to learn his place.

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