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He woke in the cold bed, half asleep. Light illuminated on his tired face as he scrolled through his ticket information. He was to leave the next day, at ten am. He would finally meet him, after planning his visit for over a month. A notification popped in the top of his screen.

"Dream." he clicked it, and read carefully.

"Dream: Can't wait to see you tomorrow~" George scoffed, then typed back.

"Me too." Dream frowned.

"You seem upset.." George typed back again.

"I'm not, just tired.. It's three here." George set his phone on his rising chest, each breathe moving his phone until another vibration. The light blinded him again.

"Well I'll let you sleep. Goodnight George!" He smiled.

"Goodnight." He finally set the phone on the small wood table next to the bed, throwing his blanket to his chin.

The ceiling was blank as his eyes moved around his boring room. His monitor laid dead on his desk, and headphones wrapped and set on top his PC. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes, only to see small blobs of greens cluster as he opened them again. Dream set his phone down, and looked out the small breaks in the blinds. The sun was just peaking over the small hills in the distance, and the street lights flickered along the sidewalk. A car drove quietly down the ghost town road.

The clock finally his 5 am before he finally shut his eyes. The thought about George finally seeing him was almost unbelievable. They planned previously, joking about it on steam, knowing the fans going crazy about heatwaves. He looked at the underneath of his desk, eyeing the sharp metallic blades organized in small rows. He looked back up, his keyboard laying silent, and unused. He looked at the clock again.

Still five am.

"God it hasn't even been a minute." he said almost disappointed.

He let his mind wander, and take him to a light sleep. Patches woke, as she pounced on his chest. She nuzzled her nose up against his neck, purring loudly. Another glance at the clock and it was nearly nine am. He jumped out of the bed.

He scurried around, looking for half presentable clothing. Patches jumped, and ran out of the room at Dream's sudden motions. He swiped a shirt, ripping his previous one off. He buttoned the shirt unevenly, and eyed himself in the voided screen of his off monitor.

A mess.

His hair in messy strands, poking every which way. What would George think if he saw this greet him? He unbuttoned his shirt, to redo it. He looked back. The buttons were evenly matched with the corresponding hole, so he went out the door swiftly to the bathroom.

The dark hallway led him to the cold tile bathroom. He flicked the light on, which hummed softly to him as the electricity flowed throughout the wires, and to the bulbs. He messed with his hair until it was parted to the side, wetting his hand to stick it down. He noticed his faint freckles across his nose and cheeks. His eyes, and almost every individual eyelash. The light flickered. He messed with the collar of his shirt, pulling it up, and to each side.

A button popped off.

He sighed and put it back to place, patting down his pant pockets. Patches walked back into the bathroom to greet him again, wanting food. Dream watched her stretch, and jump on the counter. He looked at the clock on the oven.


He rushed back to the bedroom, ripping his phone out of the charger, and grabbing his car keys off the unorganized desk. He said bye to Patches, still not giving her food, and closed the front door.

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