Where Ya Been?

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Luke's POV
After Julie left for school, I decided that I was gonna go back to the studio and wait till she gets back because its always so boring when Julies gone.

"Alright well imma go head to the studio, bye Carlos" I say to him walking towards the door.

"Bye." He says heading up the stairs to his room.

I try to walk through the door but I can't.

"What the heck?" I say as I stumble backwards.

I don't think anything of it so I just open the door and walk to the studio.

I walk into the studio and see both of the guys turn their heads to see me.

"Oh hey dude, where ya been?" Reggie asks.

"Yea, we woke up and you weren't there?" Alex says.

"Oh uh, I um went on a walk." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Really? At night?" Reggie asks in suspicion.

"Why are you wearing the same clothes as yesterday then?" Alex asks raising an eyebrow.

I look down so they won't see me blushing as I remember last night.

"Uhh, I just didn't feel like changing?" I say lying.

"Mmhmm,"Alex says knowing that I'm not telling the truth, "What happened?" He says and patting the spot next to him on the couch gesturing for me to sit.

"Nothing" I say.

"Did it have something to do with Julie?" Reggie says facing me.

"Why would you think that?" I say looking down at my lap, blushing.

"Because you're blushing, and that usually means that you're thinking bout Julie." Alex says.

"What no, and I'm not blushing." I say trying to hide the fact that I definitely am.

"Dude we're not blind, I might've walked into some walls before, but I'm not blind." Reggie says.

"Alright fine... I uh slept in Julies room." I say quietly but Alex still hears.

"That is super creepy." He says scooting away from me.

"No no, not like that, I heard her scream at like 2 am and went up to her room to see if shes o-"
I explain but then Reggie interrupts,

"Because you like her." He says and I continue.

"No, ok so she said that she had a nightmare and asked if I could stay." I say smiling and looking down.

"Sooo where did you sleep? On the floor?" Alex asks.


"Uhh the chair?" He continues after my silence.


"In her bed??!!" He says wanting to know the answer. I squint scrunching up my nose.

"DUDE YOU SLEPT WITH JULIE??!!!!" He asks loudly, in both a happy and a shocked way.

"uh yea" I say quietly.

"Damnnnnnnn" Reggie says smiling, "Lukes got movessssss" He continued, smirking.

"Shut up" I say walking over to my guitar.

"Did anything happen?" Alex asks raising an eyebrow.

"NO, no no no no no no" I say shocked he would even think that.

"Ok good, but did you cuddle?" He asks smiling.

"...... no" I say terribly lying.

"They totally did." I hear Reggie whisper to Alex as they both smile.

"I heard that." I say chuckling.

"We know" they both say.

"Oh btw Carlos can see me." I say rather calmly.

"WHAT??!!!!!" They both say loudly, standing up.

"Yea lemme tell you the story," I say, "So he came  into Julie's room to wake her up for school and saw me in her bed. He told me that he could see me and we freaked out a bit, but he's cool with it." I say tuning my guitar.

"How are you so cool with this? CARLOS CAN SEE US!!" Alex says freaking out.

"Chill its no big deal, like yea its crazy and all, but its cool." I say looking at him.

"Wait can he see us too?" Reggie asks.

"Probably, why would he only see me and not you guys?" I say setting my guitar down.

"Can we check? I've always wanted to talk to him." He asks getting up.

"Sure he's inside, follow me." I say opening the studio doors.

"Dude just walk through." Alex says.

"Oh yea, we cant do that anymore." I say walking outside.

"What? how? We're ghosts." He says confused.

"Idk, we just can't, maybe it had something to do with what happened last night, you know like that whole us 'glowing' situation." I say shrugging.

"When did you find out about all this stuff?" Reggie asks.

"Today" I say opening the door to Julie's house.

"Hey Carlos," I say seeing him on the couch, "these are the other guys in the band, this is Alex and this is Reggie." I say pointing to the guys as they wave.

"Oh hey guys, its so cool that I can see you now." He says waving.

"Yea its a little weird." Alex says.

"Well we'll be in the studio, they just wanted to meet you." I say to Carlos.

"Ok cool bye guys, bye Julie's boyfriend, oop did I say that out loud, too bad." He says smiling. I roll my eyes walking out the door.

"See, even Carlos knows" Reggie says, "and he just met us."

"Whatever" I say walking into the studio and plopping down on the couch.

"Soooo watcha wanna do?" Alex asks.

"Idk I'm probably just gonna take a nap, didn't get much sleep yesterday." I say.

"Yea, same." Reggie says.

"Alright well I'm gonna go on a walk, I need to think about all this stuff that has happened." Alex says leaving.

"Kay, bye" I say and look over at Reggie who is already sleeping.
Sorry this was kinda boring.
Hopefully the next one will be better.

Question of the day:
Whats your favorite JATP ship?
Mine is either Juke or Willex they just too cute 🥰

- Hanna

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