With that thought, she tuned back into reality and finally realized how hectic everything was. She was standing close to Jason’s friends who at the moment were frozen to their spot. Jason and his brother was having a silent communication which only consists of them gazing harshly at one another, Carter was holding the side of his head as a trail of blood ran down his face, Eddie was groaning in pain from his bullet wound, Tabitha had finally lowered her gun but was still sporting a dangerous frown and Mason was …simply smirking. The nerves of him! Her hatred for him went up about five notches at that moment.

Taking a much needed breath, she turned to look behind her at the wrecked car and muttered a curse under her breath. This man was going to die he doesn’t get help quick! Her nurse instincts finally kicked in as she quickly made a bee line towards the victim that seemed to be bleeding even more now than when the supposed accident happened. Now the blood was dripping from the side of his head and creating a dark pool on the rain soaked pavement. They had to get him to a hospital, ASAP!

Forgetting about where she was and the types of people she was around Machayla pulled out her phone and dialed 911. She was not about to let someone die because of Mason, not if she could help it!

Drake’s gaze stayed on his little brother for a few seconds longer before he turned to Tabitha. “Put that shit away!” He commanded. She didn’t put up any argument which he was grateful for.

She tucked her gun back into her boots and faced him. “You’re not going to ask?”

Drake shrugged. Of course he wanted to know why she still carried a gun around even after leaving Boston but he had more important things to worry about. “We have other things to worry about.” He answered and swiftly turned towards his friend and crewmate who was trapped in the trashed car.

He was shocked, to say the least when he saw Mason’s girl trying her best to stop the bleeding the best she could through the dented and crumpled car.

Brandon was alive—Drake hoped— but unconscious and losing too much blood. They had to get him out of that car and to a hospital quick but how the hell were they going to do that without getting caught for illegal racing?! Calling for help would mean that they would have to leave Brandon on the highway by himself and there was no way in hell that they were going to do that.

Pulling his shirt over his head, Drake went to join Machayla in an effort to save Brandon. When he came close to her, she jumped a bit and became weary of him but once he gave her a small grateful smile, she nodded her head in understanding and continued take care of Brandon’s lifeless body.

In that moment, Machayla earned Drake’s respect.

Seconds later, the rest of the guys joined in. It was great that everyone was trying their best to help but they needed professionals to save their friend. How they were going get them was the issue that plagued all but one mind.

                Mason, Jason noticed, was standing in the same damn spot that he was in before he pointed the barrel of the gun at his forehead. He didn’t move a muscle and still had that annoying smirk plastered on his face while staring directly at Jason. It irked him that the guy had not one inkling of insecurity even when his life was being threatened.

Looking around the group of people crouched around Eddie, Jason frown deepened in worry. “Where is she?!” He asked Carter with a sudden dread crawling up his spine. He had expected to see Machayla next to Eddie because she was a nurse after all but she wasn’t there.

Seconds went by and he still didn’t get a reply. He turned to look beside him but Carter was nowhere in sight. Jason had an idea of where he and probably Machayla were but refused to set his eyes on that particular scene again. If he did, not even God almighty himself would be able to stop him from killing that smirking bastard.

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