Chapter 13 ちゃpてr 13

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Naruto: So, what are we gonna do?

Kakashi: First things first, we need to find a way to get to Madara as soon as possible.

Sakura: But how are we gonna do that?

Kakashi: No one said Sasuke can't move his Susano'o pass to Madara, right?

Ayane: Good idea, Kakashi-Sensei!

Sasuke: Fine. But don't blame me if Madara see us.

Naruto: Oh come on, Sasuke. Don't be so negative.

Ayane: Fight again? Is there no time for you guys not to fight?

Sakura: Yeah, Ayane's right. Can you two stop fighting? It's annoying.

Sasuke: Like you.

Sakura: Huh?!

Ayane: I SAID STOP!! How are we gonna stop Madara if you all are fighting?! You know what guys, you're just causing more drama even if that's not what the Author said!

Author: Hey, why include me?

Ayane: Well...I'm sorry. I can't control my anger. Hehe!

Author: *Sigh* Alright. "And then the author walks away"

Naruto: Why the hell the Author was here?! *Sigh*

Kakashi: Forget it. Let's just focus on our plan.

Sasuke: *Sigh* This is the worst than I've expected...

Sakura: Hmm...Ayane-San, I have an idea. "She whispers and tell everything to me"

Ayane: Oh! Great idea, Sakura-San!

"After I told everyone what was our plan is, we went to find Madara, but Madara was gone now! I wonder where he is...But someone just appears and he seems weak"

Obito: W-Wait!

Ayane: Huh?

Kakashi: W-Why are you here?...

Naruto: Wait, you seems shocked, Kakashi-Sensei. Did you know him?

Obito: Is that really you, Kakashi?...Wait a second, why am I talking to you?! I've supposed to kill you...

Sakura: Back off! You're not going to kill Kakashi-Sensei!

Ayane: Yeah! How dare you do that?!

Kakashi: Wait, no! We can convince him to join as our allies.

Sasuke: What?! Are you kidding me right now?!

Naruto: He's an enemy, Kakashi-Sensei!

Kakashi: HE'S NOT! "All of us were shocked after we just saw Kakashi-Sensei shout like that and he's very angry"

Obito: Kakashi...You don't need to tell them about it...

Kakashi: I have to because you're my friend...Not just a friend, a Best Friend...

Obito: I know...But after everything I've done to you...Do you still think you can forgive me?

Kakashi: Of course...I can't let myself leave you like that again...Because that day, when I thought you died, I said to myself that "I can't even save my own friend"...I thought I'm useless that I can't save you even if I can...Why all of a sudden, Obito? Why did you left us? You left me and Rin...

Obito: Because...You killed her! And I can't let that happen! But it was too late! I was too late! I was too late that I can't even save her because you already killed her in front of me! In front of my own eyes! Why, Kakashi?! WHY?! Am I that terrible friend that you almost break my heart from killing the most important person to me?! HUH?! You know what, I'm wrong with that one...I mean you already BROKE my HEART! *Cries*

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