Chapter 7 ちゃpてr 7

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"I'm such a fool! What did I just said to Naruto?! Why did I do that?! I didn't even think what will I need to do first...But at least I told him what I really feels. I love him very much, but it's time for moving on because he's not the right guy for me. He supposed to love Hinata, not me. I wish Mom is here to help me figure out my new power. The Strongest Fire I've ever seen. I need to make sure I can control it, so that it doesn't harm anyone."

"Back At The Human World"

Mom: Where is Ayane? She's supposed to be in the house now. She knows the rules!
"She noticed the TV was on"

Mom: And she didn't turn off the TV?! What a lazy girl...Ugh! "She tries to turn it off, but she noticed that I'm in that world, so she's very shocked and can't move"

Mom: W-W-What is she doing t-there?! Oh my god...AYANE!! AYANE!! DO YOU HEAR ME?! AYANE!!
"I've heard Mom's voice, so I follows it, but I can't see Mom everywhere"

Mom: What are you doing?! I'M HERE!! I'M HERE, SWEETIE!!
"I really can't see Mom, but I can only hear her voice. It's echoing inside my head"

Ayane: (In the TV) Mom! Mom! Where are you?! Please...*Cries* Help me...I need you...

Mom: Ayane...What are you doing there? Why are you there?

Ayane: I'm stucked here...But I have many friends...I need your help...Do you know how to get here?

Mom: I-I didn't know how! How, sweetie? Help me how.

Ayane: Stay there and stare at the TV for 5 seconds.
"She stay and she stares at the TV in 5 seconds"

Ayane: Done. Next, touch the screen of the TV.
"She touches the screen and it suddenly flashes. I saw Mom is besides me. She's unconscious"

Ayane: Mom?! Mom!! Wake up!! Please!!

Kiba: What happened?! Why are you yelling?

Ayane: Oh! Kiba, thank god!

Kiba: Wait, how did you----

Ayane: Just help me! My Mom was unconscious. I don't know why. Help me get her in the Medical Hospital.

Kiba: Alright! Let's go, Miss! Akamaru!

Akamaru: Arf! Arf!

"At the Medical Hospital"

Medical Ninja: Oh my, what happened?!

Kiba: Her Mom was unconscious! We need help!

Medical Ninja: I'm on it! Let us handle it.

"At the waiting area"

Ayane: *Cries* I don't know what just happened...I think this is what happened to me last time I've went in this place...

Kiba: What do you mean?

Ayane: Oh, is not the right time to know about it...I'm so sorry...

Kiba: I understand..."He smiles and wrap his arm in the shoulder" -Maybe next time, right?
"I giggles and smile back"

Ayane: Should I check if Mom's okay?

Kiba: Sure...

Ayane: E-Excuse me? Can I check my Mom?

Medical Ninja: Yes, you can. She's awake now.

Ayane: Really? Thank you very much for saving her life! "I hurry and went to my Mom to make sure she's safe"

Ayane: Mom! You're awake! I didn't know what to do without you! *Happy Crying*

Mom: beautiful daughter...What is happening here and where are we?

Ayane:'re in Anime World called Naruto Shippuden. We're trapped here...And there's something i wanted to talk to you about...

Mom: What?! How could we get out of here?! We can't live here forever----

Ayane: Shhh! "I cover her mouth and whispers"
-Quiet down. No one needs to know that we're from the Human World. If they knew about it, we're dead. I-I mean...Ugh! Nevermind...Just keep it a secret...It's not the right time...
Okay, Mom?

Mom: Uh...okay...

Ayane: Before we go home to Naruto's House, I need you to pretend that we're new in this village, okay? We're from...another village, but it's a long way to go there. Just like that. Naruto and Ino are the only one who knows about me and you and where are we from. And...I wanted you to help me...about this power...

Mom: Power? What power?

Ayane: This..."I control my hand and suddenly there's a fire in it"

Mom: *Gasps* What was that?! Don't tell me...Oh my god, Ayane...I can't believe it...I can't believe that you will inherited your father's ability...

Ayane: Mom? M-My father? What are you talking about?

Mom: *Gasps*Oh no...What am I saying? Haha! It's just a joke! Your father was already dead...

Ayane: No, Mom! Tell me the truth now! You can't tell a joke because you're always serious! You're strict and you can't even let me do my own thing! And now, you will keep a secret to me?! Oh come on, Mom! You can't be serious!
"Kiba heard me yelling and he peek at us"

Mom: I-I...I'm sorry, sweetie...I-I didn't know about your powers...I didn't know...*Cries* Please forgive me...Forgive me, Ayane...I always love you and I will never keep a secret form you..."She hugs me while crying"

Ayane: *Cries* Mom...What am I exactly?...What am I?...Am I a human or what? Answer me...Answer me!

Mom: You are...a Ninja...with a strongest power I've ever seen...Just like your father...

Kiba: *Gasps* *Whisper* She is a Ninja with strongest power? She must be...the girl who fought Pain! She must be the girl who saved Naruto's life and also everyone's life!

Ayane: W-Why didn't you tell me about this?! I've been here all alone and you didn't help me! What kind of Mom are you?!

Mom: A-Ayane---- "I turn around and ran past by Kiba"

Kiba: W-Wait!

Mom: *Cries*...This is all my fault...
I shouldn't have keep it a secret...

Kiba: I'm very sorry, Ma'am...

Mom: *Gasps* Who are you?! Are you eavesdropping us?!

Kiba: N-No! I'm here because I've helped your daughter to get you in this make sure you're safe...That's what Leaf Ninjas do.

Mom: *Sigh*...I'm Hitomi. Ayane's Mother. Since Asato died, I feel like I've changed a lot...Even my personality...I didn't realize that I'M very strict to my daughter...That I didn't gave her more love that she needed to...I'm not a good Mother...Not great enough just like her...I wish I was the one who died, not Asato...

Kiba: That's not true, Ma'am...You're still the best Mother even if you're like that...You're a caring and loving Mother...

Hitomi: Thank you...You're a nice friend of Ayane...I'm so proud of my daughter...I wish she can forgive me...

-To Be Continued! ♡

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