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The car came to a stop. I looked around to see walls and security guards upon towers. 

"We are here, guys." Nat stopped the car, "Oh, the people happen to gather around and see if perhaps their families arrived so it might get crowded in there." Nat pointed out. I got off the car and saw Steven and Bucky climbed out of the vehicle,

"You guys ready?" He asked. A massive gate was in front of us. Steve nodded up at a guard, and the gate was slowly opening; this considerable anxiety and happiness were surrounding me, the first thing that appeared was people. There were actually people and tons of them! I smiled at Steve. They looked at us; some frowned, and some smiled. I guess some were disappointed they weren't their family or friends. As soon as they looked at me, they started mumbling and whispering to each other. I looked at them, confused.

"Peter? PETER!" We heard a voice in the crowd call out to Peter; his face lit up, and he lets go of my hand 

"Aunt May!?"

"PETER PETER!" A woman comes running out of the crowd as well as a teenage girl and boy.

"NED, MJ!" I watched as he hugged his friends and Aunt. I looked around only to see glares and hear mumbles.

"Y/n." I turned around to Steve; he shook his head. I knew what he meant; he guided me out as the whispers became louder and louder, "Let's get you cleaned up and checked up." I walked through a hallway; the walls were metal and the floor shiny like marble when it hit a light. He pressed a button, opening a door with equipment. "Just sit there." He smiled. I nodded and waited for him to leave. I'm going to sit on mud. I cringed. Instead, I walked around and looked around the room. There wasn't much; it was practically empty, just some lights in corners and chair next to where I would sit.

"Oh, hello, you must be Y/n L/n, am I right? I'm Bruce Banner. I'm kinda a doctor." he gave a light chuckle making me step away from him.

"Not the right words Bruce." Steve walked in and sat down the chair.

"Right well, I guess we need to check your health and hope you're healthy, and we can get you into that-" Steve cleared his throat loudly and glared at him.

"Into what?" I asked.

"Nevermind um, first we should get you some new  clothes."

"Let's go Y/n." He glared at him. I followed after Steve like some sort of lost dog. "Alright, this is your room; you have clothing right, so change into that; the shower is the left and press this red button here when you're done, and I'll pick you up, okay." He gave me a warm smile. 

"Can you bring Bucky too?" I asked.

"Sure, go get ready." My door shut closed and locked itself. I went to the bathroom and got undress. I felt some chunks of mud fall onto the floor; I feel bad for whoever cleans my room. I hopped into the shower and felt the nice hot water shower down to me. It felt relaxing, and at the same time, it felt like it was my last...

I brushed my hair and grabbed a towel to help me dry my hair. I press the button Steve indicated and waited; the room began flicking blue. I put on some socks and decided to walk around just in those. I heard a knock on my door. I pressed the button and appeared Bucky and Steve. 

"You ready?" He smiled. I nodded and walked out again to the same room, but this time Nat and other people have gathered around, hesitating to go in. Bucky gave me a push and nodded. I swallowed, knowing something terrible is going to happen.

"Hello, Y/n take a seat. Don't mind these people around you don't get intimidated; we just hear for a quick meeting." Nat smiled.

"With me in it?" I asked; she nodded.

"Alright, first, we are going to check your blood cells; we are going to have to take out some blood samples. Please show me your arm." A nurse smile at me. 

"Alright, while she does that, we are going to ask you some questions." A lady with short blonde hair asked, glaring at me. I nodded.

"Your father is F/n F/l/n?"


"So, are you going to play dumb or finally spit it out?" 

"Carol." Bucky glared.

"What are you talking about?" I winced as I felt the needle go in. 

"Y/n..." Steve sighed and stood up, "Your father was the cause of this whole disaster." I felt my heart drop, and this whole anxiety came back again.

"I don't understand..."

"There, you are all done." The nurse smiled; I couldn't give it to her back.

"You guys are joking, right?" Tears coming down my eyes, "He didn't do it; he would never-"

"You say that, but look where we are and how many people we have lost because of him." 

"You know what? This whole meeting isn't working out; leave the kid and me alone." Everyone left except Steve and Bucky, "We know how to bring everyone back, well at least the ones that are gone with some sort of weird vaccine and machine." He sat on the floor next to me, "Sadly, what they said was true; your father wasn't really a person who studied animals but humans. Animals are just things he called us; we are some sort of experiment and the whole world in his lab. He killed your mother because she knew everything about his plan. She tried stopping him, but sadly she was shot. I sent by her to protect you, but I can't save you here because the decision is yours, after all."

"What is?"

"To bring people from all around the world," he paused as he squeezed his hands together, "We are going to have to do this sort of trade..." 

"Would you rather save yourself or the world... I get it now, all those questions he asked back then when my mom wasn't around, all these stupid choices he made me choose. I get it now... That's the reason why you guys wanted me alive? To bring back everyone not because you actually cared..." 

" No, no, we do care... The decision is all yours whether you decided to or not; we will be by your side no matter the people who aren't." He smiled. Fake.

"I want to go back to my room." He nodded and got up from the floor. I walked around the hallway, and when people passed by, I would get nasty looks. They all knew everyone knows but me... I swallowed a lump, feeling tears wanting to form in my eyes.

"Get some sleep; we will talk tomorrow morning..." Steve said. I entered my room and closed my door, not responding. I grabbed my bookbag and dumped everything to the floor. I heard a small bell. Teacups collar. It was too big for her so we couldn't put it on her, but we still kept it. I couldn't stop the tears from coming down anymore. I threw everything to the side, feeling angry all of a sudden. Where is those damn journal? I got up and started throwing everything out of my duffel bag. I grabbed the journals and began inspecting my father's very carefully. 

Animal distressed

Animal distressed

Animal distressed

Animal lonely

Animal lonely

Animal upset

Animal upset 

Animal sad

Animal sad

Animal gone.

Vaccine -Complete

Chamber- Complete

My hands were shaking; I didn't know what to feel angry, sad, both? Why? Why would he do this? All those stupid questions were just another experiment. We were happy! What else could he have wanted! I threw the journal to the wall and held the collar very close to me. 

Teacup wasn't here to cheer me up...

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