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Over the past few months, Y/n and I have been getting a lot closer. Of course, she still doesn't talk a lot, but she makes small gestures that warm my heart; she tends to squeeze my hand whenever we go out to walk Teacup, she does this little dance whenever she receives food from me, she cuddles closer to me whenever she is cold, or just catch her staring. However. November has been the most challenging month; there was no longer electricity, causing the house to be very cold, probably colder than outside. We are almost out of food, and scavenging far in this cold could get any of us sick or killed. We can't forget the dangers of the people other there and hungry dogs out there. We had encountered a vicious dog, and it almost went after Y/n and Teacup; putting that dog down still made us upset since it was only trying to survive, but so are we...

"Sho-should we head to my apartment now?" Y/n shivered as she held Teacup inside her jacket I let her have.

"You said your dad has a generator, right?"

"Oh wow, how did you know!" I looked at her, "Oh right." She scratched the back of her head, "Yeah, he brought back from his work, he said in case of emergencies." 

"How about we go to visit your apartment?" I asked

"Yeah! I have board games, card games, coloring books, and some sketchbooks we can keep us distracted." She beamed; I nodded and smiled at her deciding to pack my stuff and say one last goodbye to the house and the memories.





We headed out to the expressway where Y/n had come from first scavenge. Teacup and Y/n were running around the snow and throwing it up to the sky. I only kept an eye out just in case if something terrible happened. 

"Peter, catch!" Looking towards a Y/n, something cold hit my face.

"That's cold!" I shook off the snow from my face.

"Pft, I thought your Peter-tingle could sense that." She covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"It's not a Peter-tingle! It's just a 6th sense. Don't call it that." I groan, making her laugh.

"Okay, okay," I picked up snow and formed it into a ball, throwing it at the back of Y/n's head, "Hey!" 

"You started this fight." I grinned.

"It's on!" She smiled. While we were laughing and throwing each other snow, Teacup just kept barking and running towards the snowballs whenever they flew in the sky. After our snowball fight, I helped Y/n get snow out of her clothing and hair; we continue walking straight, already knowing my route from here, "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah, we are almost there." I chuckled.

"Do you think my house still has electricity?"

"I hope so, at least for the cold. Can I ask you a question about your parents?"


"Your dad and mom worked together, right?"

"Hmm, well, my mom was more of a technician, and my dad studies animals." She smiled

"That was the reason you guys moved, huh?"

"Yeah..." The walk was silent the whole way; it wasn't an uncomfortable one, instead more calming. Y/n had to carry Teacup because she was too cold to walk; after a few hours of walking, we made it to Brooklyn. Everything was covered in snow Y/n seems really jumpy I knew she was excited to arrive home. Walking closer to her house, she took out some keys from her bookbag and hurriedly went to the door to unlock it.

"You ready!" 

"Yeah." She unlocked the door, and we headed inside the hallway; everything was dark, which I had to take out a flashlight to guide us to her apartment. 707. She opened the door, and the first thing she did was turn on the light switch. It flickered, and she beamed.

"Peter, we still have electricity here!" She laughed. I stepped in and put all my supplies down to relax my back. I suddenly feel warm air around me, "I turned on the heater; come to my room. I have food cans!" She called out; I watched as Teacup was walking and smelling around. Her apartment was huge, probably more significant than mine, if not twice. I walked towards her room to see her pulling cans and supplies out of her closet and under the bed, "Are you hungry?" I looked around her room to spot a towel; grabbing the towel, I crouched down next to her and dried her hair.

"Worry about yourself first. We don't want you getting sick, okay. Take off your clothes; they must be wet from our snowball fight." She nodded and started taking off her jacket and gloves. I stepped out of her room and pulled some clothes out of my bookbag I had packed from home. Home... I changed in the bathroom while Y/n changed in her room. Hanging out clothing around the room, we were already on her parents' room blanket covering our legs as we ate, "Do you want me to turn on the T.V so we could watch a movie?" I shook my head.

"It's better to save electricity, especially in the winter." She nodded and continue eating. 

"Do you think we will find good people out there?" I turned towards her to see her frown, "What if it's only us and those bad guys? Will that mean we will have to... you know?" She looked up at me. I blushed, hoping she wasn't thinking of what I thought I was thinking.

"What do you mean?" I looked away from her.

"You know... Kill..." Quickly turning around, her hands were trembling.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." I laughed, feeling a bit relieved and disappointed, "Mr. Stark talked about this campus, but he never got the chance to tell me..."

"May I ask what happened?"

"Yeah, um," I cleared my throat, " Just about two and a half years ago, I met Mr. Stark. Those bandits were around Queens when I tried to look for food. I was corned by 3 of those men, but sadly I didn't have the strength to defend myself, but Mr. Stark showed up and killed them. He practically guided me and toughened me up; he was also cocky, very cocky."  I laughed, thinking about the memories of him, "But sadly we had to separate when they were hunting us down and all of a sudden you heard a gunshot... He was just like a father figure who would scold me if I ever mess up, make fun of me for being weak at the beginning, but most importantly, he saved my life and helped me mature. He was a great guy. Anyways about this Camp, Mr.Stark talked about it with me; he said that's where flyer was made and being sent around the world, well people who would find them but the bandits ripped them out of trees or houses so no one would see them I think it's called the TACF. The Avenger Camp Facility. Sadly, I'm not sure where it's located, but hopefully, they send out one of those flyers again.

"That sounds very familiar, TACF..." Her eyebrows furrowed. She shook her head, "Sorry, it sounded very familiar."

"It's okay." 

While Y/n slept, I decided to scavenger for more food and hopefully find that flyer.

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