Into the Great Beyond

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I sat there stunned. Leave The Hidden World? Nobody was allowed to leave except for Dad and that was just to do his patrols. And even then it's just around the entrance. And there are more Nightfury's? Where in the world did she get that from?

Once I got over my initial shock I opened my mouth to tell Dawn what i thought but Dusk beat me to it. "Leave The Hidden World!? Dawn, your ideas have always been a little... extreme but this is downright insane! And there aren't any more Nightfurys! Except for Dad, they all died off when Grmmel hunted and killed them."

Dawn bristled. "You don't know that for sure! If Dad managed to get away, what's to say the other Nightfury's did too? It's not impossible."

"But wouldn't they have come to The Hidden World instead of some other island where they can easily be hunted down again?"

"Maybe they didn't know where it was or maybe they didn't even know it existed! Dad didn't even know about The Hidden World until he met Mom and she showed him. Why are you so against the fact that there could be more Nightfury's? Do you want Dad to be the last of his kind?" She exclaimed.

"Of course I don't!" Dusk said furiously. "Don't you think I want there to be more Nightfury's!? This is hard on me as well but we have to face reality. There aren't any more Nightfurys!"

So many emotions flashed through Dawn's eyes. Shock, hurt, anger, sorrow, disbelief. But then her face hardened. "Well then, I see you've made your point." She turned to me. "I assume you agree with him?"

I sat there caught off guard. "I- I, Dawn look-"I tried to say. "Save it! I knew Dusk would be stubborn but I didn't really think that you would agree with him." She glared at both of us and flew away from us before I could say anything.

I turned to Dusk. "You were a little harsh on her." He sighed. "I really don't want to be the bad guy-"

"Then don't be." I cut him off. He gave me a look. "Look, someone's gotta pull her out of this fantasy. I don't want another troll incident."

I glared at him. "I thought we agreed to never talk about it again. But in all seriousness, to some extent, I agree. But it shouldn't have to be her own brother to do it."

He sighed. "I know." He started off into space. "Do you think she's right though? Are there really more Nightfurys?"

I sat there thinking. No one had seen a Nightfury other than Dad in a very long time nor have there been rumors. But what Dawn said made sense. "I don't know Dusk. I just don't know."


After I left Dusk, I returned to my cove. I layed down in the sand near the water and closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. But sleep was a long time coming.

Fire was all around me. Screaming was coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Pitch black shadows at the edge of my vision and every time I look closer they disappear. And worse of all, they were saying my name.




Then the shadows started grabbing me. Claws were taking hold on me.

"N-no." I whimpered with fear. "No! Stop it! Leave me alone! Please! NO STOP!"

I shot awake and in the dim moonlight I saw Dusk sitting over me. I yelped and wacked him in the face.

"Ow!" Dusk rubbed his snout. "What was that for!?"

I breathed in and out to calm myself. "You startled me." Then I noticed the panicked look on Dusk's face. "What's wrong?"

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