The Land and the Sky meet

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Dawn's eyes snapped open at the sound of Dusk's growling. She bolted up immediately (which caused Eclipse to complain as he was thrown to the floor because he was sprawled on top of her), sleep vanishing instantly.

"Dusk what's going on?" Dawn called out to him. When he didn't answer she frantically scrambled to the entrance of the tree den and what she saw stopped her in her tracks.

Three Viking cubs were standing in front of Dusk, who was snarling at them. The eldest one was a female hatchling who looked no more than 12 seasons old and had vibrant green eyes and brown colored hair that kind of shimmered a goldish color. The second one was a male with green eyes and sandy-colored hair who looked to be about 8 seasons old. And the third one was a female with dark brown hair with grayish blue eyes who looked to be no more than 6 seasons.

The eldest one had a dagger and was holding it defensively at Dusk while using her body to shield the other two. When she saw Dawn she turned to block the other from her as well as Dusk.

"Dusk," Dawn said lowly. "What in the everliving Helheim is going on. Did you fall asleep on watch?" She asked, still keeping her eyes on the Viking hatchling.

"No!" He hissed which caused the hatchlings to flinch. "They snuck up on me."

"How can they sneak up on you!? You're a Fury! You're supposed to do the sneaking, not them!" She whispered yelled at him and that caused some of the hatchlings to whimper.

Dawn wracked her brain, trying to remember what Dad had said about dealing with Vikings.

"Dusk, I need you to look non-threatening. We're scaring them. Retract your teeth and make yourself look as small as possible." Dawn instructed him carefully, not taking her eyes off of the hatchlings. Dawn flattened her ears against my head in a non-threatening way and retracted her teeth. She slowly laid down on the sand and forced herself to relax so they wouldn't think that she was gonna lunge at them. Dusk followed Dawn's lead and the eldest hatchling calmed down and slowly lowered her dagger.

"What's going on?" A voice said from behind Dawn. Eclipse was walking out of the den and froze when he saw the hatchlings. The female went defensive again and raised the dagger which made Eclipse go into a defensive position.

Dawn gave Eclipse a warning growl and he looked at her with surprise on his face. "What are you doing? They'll attack us!" He grunted, keeping his eyes on the hatchlings. Dawn glared at him.

"Only because you're scaring them," She hissed at him. "Just calm down and they won't attack us." She told him.

A look of understanding came across his face and he walked between Dawn and Dusk towards the hatchling. She clung to the dagger tighter as he came closer but it loosened when Eclipse bowed his head and made a gentle, calming purr. He backed away and laid down.

The dragons stared at the Viking hatchlings and the hatchlings stared at the dragons. "Which dragon did you see in the woods, Rowan?" The eldest hatchling asked, lowering her dagger, looking at the dragons with amazement in her eyes. Dawn was a little startled; she didn't know that she would be able to understand them.

The male hatchling (Rowan Dawn remembered) pointed at Dusk and walked towards him slowly. "That one." He said softly.

At that moment Dusk's belly decided to announce itself. Rowan giggled and went behind them to a basket that Dawn hadn't noticed until now and pulled out a fish. All of us perked up at the sight of it as Dusk wasn't the only one who was hungry.

Rowan slowly walked up to Dusk and held the fish out cautiously. But it looked like Dusk decided he was taking too long and he extended his teeth and grabbed it quickly, snapping it up in seconds. Rowan jumped backward, startled at the sudden movement.

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