The World Between Worlds

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"Rey who?"

The emptiness Rey had carried from Exegol felt more prominent standing in front of that woman. "Just Rey."

BB-8 gave a low whine as Rey turned from the woman and approached the decrepit dwelling. The droid had kept close to her ever since she had returned.

Rey did not like Tatooine. Not only was it so similar to Jakku, but there were also phantoms everywhere. She stepped past the threshold and staggered towards a single cot. As her body crumpled onto the mattress, a plume of sand and dust encompassed her.

She coughed and waved her hand in front of face. Her crinkled expression softened as she felt the force swell first in darkness then in light. Rey followed the feeling to a communication console covered in dust. Parts and pieces of forgotten droids were strewn about.

"You need anything?" Rey asked BB-8.

The droid responded in happy beeps.

She almost smiled. "That's quite an upgrade."

Picking up some equipment, Rey blew off the dust. She froze as the dust didn't settle but instead swirled until two figures could almost be made out.

I hate them.

To be angry is to be human.

Rey quickly retreated, pressing her hands against her ears. She returned to the cot, and quickly pulled the covers over her head. As she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart, the emptiness began to push against her. Rey wrapped her arms around herself, trying to push back. Rey did not understand this feeling. Only that it felt as if something had been cut out from inside her, and it had begun the moment Ben left her alone.


Was this what she was made for?

Again that swell of the force made Rey pull down the covers and peer over her shoulder out into the dwelling. Two more dusty figures moved about the room.

Luke's just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Rey slowly sat up. Being alone had never done anything for anyone. It made people bitter. Cold. Her lips pursed together. She was not the same woman waiting on Jakku. She would not wait for someone to rescue her.

BB-8 chittered nervously.

"What is it?" Rey asked.

Before she could answer, a howling wind broke through every door and window. Everything in the dwelling clattered and clanged against one another. Rey shrieked as the sand threatened to tear into her skin. She pulled the blanket back over her head before thrusting her hand out and slamming everything closed once more.

Dropping the blanket, Rey sighed as everything was now covered in a thick layer of sand. BB-8 beeped furiously as he puffed sand from all his inner wirings through vents.

Rey's stomach dropped. "Wait, where's my bag?" She fell to her knees and began sweeping through the sand. BB-8's cleaning was put on hold as he plunged himself into the mounds of sand searching as well.

Relief washed over her as the droid cheered happily from a nearby dune. Rey scooped the droid out first, giving him a small pat before digging out her bag. The contents had been spilled everywhere. She frowned and began to put everything away. Her hands froze over a black sweater. She swallowed hard and gently picked up the fabric. Shaking it free of sand, Rey then rested it in her lap. Her fingers trailed along the front and traced the fraying hole.

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