Let Me In MV

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Just the extra outfits and to add on to the explanation before

Just the extra outfits and to add on to the explanation before

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The Story of Let Me In (20 Cube)Disclaimer: This is a fake storyline, so if there is a storyline behind Enhypen that is different or similar, this was made prior

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The Story of Let Me In (20 Cube)
Disclaimer: This is a fake storyline, so if there is a storyline behind Enhypen that is different or similar, this was made prior

The boys were all stuck inside of a museum like their being used to be on display. Nova was frightened by this and wanted to break them out but they couldn't seem to be released. They all break into the warehouse after they have been broken out as they explored the place. Nova couldn't reach a book so Jake took it down for her, then this red enticing light emerged within this box which drew all of their attention. They then were traveling through the forest which makes Jungwon and Nova be self aware as they both had flashbacks of all of them being in the forest (the trailer for their debut Dusk-Dawn)

They both froze in place as the others looked at them. Niki whispers something in Jungwon's ear and both of them continues walking. They all stay inside the woods for awhile, Nova was reading her book Jake helped her get and the others were messing around and then Sunoo got hurt. Nova rushed to his side to see if he was okay, and he said it was just a scratch. Nova then thought, "I thought they were vampires? Vampires don't bleed do they?" She shook of her thoughts and continued to read. The next scene went back to them under plastic wrap or bags or something and Nova was looking at them in shock. The woods had a barrier that we couldn't get passed as we try to bash through it. Sunoo was hiding in this container when they were at the warehouse like he was hiding from someone and they tore of their bags and broke through the glass cage they were in with Nova's help only to reveal that they were stuck inside this glass cage for display, like they're special and broke through with Nova's help like they were breaking down Nova's walls of emotions and stability with them. So the events go like this:

1. The boys got caught and was put on display, Nova found them.

2. Nova broke them out and they went to the warehouse to hide

3. Someone walked in like a worker or someone evil trying to figure out where the boys and Nova are which is why Sunoo was hiding.

4. The red light emerging signaled danger and that they had to leave as it wasn't safe for them to be inside the warehouse anymore

5. They ended up escaping to the woods where they had fun and hanged out for a little while.

6. Sunoo and Heeseung then got into a disagreement as Heeseung and Sunoo were play sword fighting with sticks and Heeseung hit Sunoo in the face which made Sunoo get upset

7. After that occurred they stared to travel again through the woods trying to make Sunoo cool down

8. Jungwon and Nova both had flashbacks which made the two of them freeze and just widen their eyes in shock as the others stared at them in confusion.

9.  Niki inaudibly whispered in Jungwon's ear which made the two of the continued on walking with the others as Nova was still shocked

10. They then found this wall they wanted to bash through but could and they kept trying and trying over and over again and that's how the story ends.

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