Chapter 8: Deal with the devil

Start from the beginning

I noticed Brian turn his head to me, but I kept my eyes glued in front of me ensuring everything was in place.

I had taken precautions of my own. My hair clip concealed a scalpel I stole from the morgue and a poison ring sat on my finger that had a little needle concealed inside of it. Both wouldn't be picked up by a metal detector in case weapons needed to be handed over.

But of course I had my gun, Oscar's gun in case anyone tried anything. But I needed back up weapons if I had to turn his gun over. But anyway, surely this man would look at me and think a heavily pregnant woman wouldn't be able to harm anyone.

Little did they know what I had achieved whilst carrying a baby inside of me.

"Remember, there's a baby inside of you. Nothing crazy, you hear me?" Brian scolded me as he pulled into a side alley of an abandoned building.

"Loud and clear" I replied as I got out the car and looked back to the other cars that had followed us.

"They're here gentlemen, eyes sharp and keep watch. You 5, with me" Brian ordered whilst preparing themselves in case of an attack.

It may have been a stupid idea coming here, but I had to step up and take charge.

Grasping the handle of the dingy building, I pushed the doors open and walked straight into the lion's den.

"Well, well, well who do we have here?".

My eyes fell upon a man sat on a large chair as if he was a king. But the only man worthy to be sat on a throne was Oscar.

Walking through the metal detector, I reluctantly pulled out my gun and placed it down in the box.

Thankfully the hair clip had been designed by an elderly man working in the underground. It could conceal metal items and the case covering it was made by a unique material so that no metal detector could pick up on the metal hidden inside.

I stared him down as another man ran his hands over my body frisking me.

"All clear" he shouted back to the man who I presumed was the sexist pig.

Walking through the large hall, I entered into what seemed to be a very large conference hall. Men were all around, but I felt no fear coursing through me.

I knew Brian and the others were behind me, but I didn't really need them.

"Oh honey, this is a little embarrassing. I think you've made a mistake coming here. This is a business deal for men, you don't have the brains to make any contribution. I think you should go back to the kitchen and prepare dinner for the men once they've finished. However, I know some of my men have been a little sex deprived. We could put you to use in satisfying some of our men. I think you should be rather flattered. You and 10 guys and then once this meeting is over, I'll have my turn".

The guys in the room laughed loudly and whispered to one another. I felt their disgusting eyes on me as they swarmed me like sharks, but I stood my ground.

"I think you've made a mistake starting this meeting off like that. I am the one that's going to be contributing in this business deal and you've already pissed off the one person who is going to accept or deny your proposal. So, when you stop acting like a pussy, then we may proceed".

I held my head high and looked him dead in the eyes.

"My, she is a feisty one Brian".

I looked around to see Brian frowning at the scumbag before looking at me and nodded his head.

"If you think for one second I am negotiating with you, then darling you have another thing coming. But here's what I'll offer you. If you submit to me and let me do anything and everything to you, then I will consider your opinion and then conduct a further meeting. What do you say to that?".

I had to keep my anger at bay. I couldn't react now. I couldn't let him get to me.

"Hm, and you promise to really consider my opinion?".

Nolan looked to the men around him with a surprised and startled expression before turning back to me with a smirk.

"Of course darling. Be my little submissive whore for the night and I promise to listen to you".

Brian remained silent behind me as if he was also shocked with my decisions, but like I said, I had to do everything to protect my family, even if it cost me dearly.

"I heard about Oscar and I am so very sorry, but maybe it's for the best. I'll show you how a real man treats a woman. He was far too soft and having that little girl of his made him a pussy. He was fucking weak, but no worries, he's gone now. So what, are you now a mafia queen or something because if so, that's fucking hilarious".

The men burst out with laughter, but I'd be the one laughing in a couple of minutes, just like I did with my father.

"How do you treat your women Nolan?".

Nolan looked at me and then down at my pussy.

"Come here and I'll show you".

I looked back at Brian who shook his head at me, but I completely ignored him.

Turning back to Nolan, I slowly walked over to him until I was stood a couple of feet in front of him.

Before I could react, Nolan grabbed my ass with both hands and pulled me so I was straddled on his lap.

"This baby you carry is a real inconvenience, but you won't be the first pregnant woman I've had. The last one put up one hell of a fight, too bad as a result she lost her baby. Nevermind, she doesn't fight much anymore but she remains under lock and key at my home along with 6 other young women".

I felt sick to my stomach at the way this man talked. After killing my dad I realised that there were other men just like him. Now I was a mafia queen, I would make it my duty to not only protect my family, but the innocent people targeted in this world. I would make him pay for all the crimes he committed.

"No worries, perhaps another deal we can make is you become mine. You won't be treated like those other women. You will be my queen and I will be your king. What do you say?" he groaned in my ear as he ran his hand over my pussy.

Leaning in closer, I let my lips crash against his and let him start to move my body so he was grinding me on his dick which became hard.

"I say, rot in hell" I whispered as I pulled away.

Before Nolan could blink, I stabbed him in the neck with my poison ring. His neck instantly turned black, blood vessels coming to the surface with black lines spreading all over his body.

I could hear manly grunts in the background and I knew his men had been restrained.

Nolan started to choke and sputter as poison spread around his body.

"I don't make deals with scum like you. I will never be yours or another man's property. I am the wife to Oscar Hendricks and I am his mafia queen. The women you have destroyed are going to have everything of yours, but I know your death will be more satisfying to them. The poison flowing within you is burning your internal organs down to nothing. But it's effective as it keeps the most important organ working until everything else is destroyed. It's going to be slow, excruciating and agonising. But I will gladly watch every second whilst you writhe and froth at the mouth. Let this be a message to every vile sexist men about what happens when you cross paths with Eleanor Hendricks".

I couldn't help but smirk as his eyes turned pitch black from the poison and collapsed to the floor crying out in agony. Black blood fell from his lips as he rolled around pathetically on the floor.

Kicking him down the steps, I sat on the throne he had been on and looked to all of my men restraining Nolan's men.

Brian rushed up to me and gave me a frown.

"Once the bastard is dead, kill his men and then we go to his home to free the women".

Brian looked down at Nolan who was coughing up chunks of blood with black veins all over his face.

"Not so tough now, are you?".

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