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(I'm going to go through the stories of trying out your jobs some may be longer than others)everything in between ** is a song

You were suddenly shook awake

"Wake up (y/n)" you shot up and were met with a blond haired boy.

"Morning Newt" you yawned

"Morning (y/n) today's your first day figuring out your job." He told you, his British ascent clearly standing out.

"Ok, what's first?" You ask jumping up and stretching

"The slicers, if you can handle it" he teased

You punched his arm and the two of you started for the bloodhouse. When you got there you put your hair in a messy bun. Newt and Winston gave you quizzical looks.

"What? If I'm going to be working with blood I don't want to have to wash it out of my hair"

Newt chucked, slapping Winston's shoulder "good luck" was all he said before making his way to the gardens. You grabbed a knife, walked over to a dead pig, and started to gut it.

"What are you doing?" Winston asked

"I think I know how to do this" you said

You gutted, skinned, and butchered the pig without any instruction needed

*with Minho and Newt*

"We should probably go rescue (y/n) from the bloodhouse" Newt said after Minho had drawn his section.

"What?! You let her try being a slicer!" Minho exclaimed

They made there way to the bloodhouse, ready to face you breaking down. when they got there Winston came running out

"What's wrong" Newt asked

"It's (y/n)" he said

"What's wrong with her" Minho asked worriedly

"Wrong? No man, she's a shucking natural! I didn't even have to tell her what to do!"

They ran into the barn to see you

butchering her third pig

"Wow" Minho said and you turned around and smirked

"What never seen a girl butcher a pig?"

"Well, I think we found your job" Newt said

"Are you crazy!" You exclaimed "I'd lose my sanity doing this every day!"

Winston looked a tad disappointed but all three under stood her reasoning

"Any place I can get washed up" you asked gesturing to the blood on your hands

"I'll take you" Minho said, leading you to the shower house

*next day builders*

You were working with the builders and Gally was getting on your nerves

"They should gust make you a sloper, should be the only thing your good at"

"Oh really, well let's see" you said "what do we need to do"

"Repair a hole in the homesteads roof" he said and then added "if you can handle that without chipping a nail" all of the other builders laughed

"Oh I think I'll manage" you said with a smile, then surprising them all by picking up a heavy load of wood and heading to the homestead

You were on a ladder, being the smallest one, after you all spent a couple hours loading supplies and then fixing the door to the shed, about to fix the hole in the roof.

The First Girl (Minho x reader)Where stories live. Discover now