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As the title says, this is completely RANDOM, but I have been seeing so many shifting videos on Tik Tok lately and let me just say... I actually attempted to shift using the Raven method and I really almost did.

I was experiencing all of the symptoms and my body JOLTED. I literally felt like I was being ✨YEETED✨ out of my body. It scared me so badly that I got up. My heart started pounding so hard as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that if you're planning on shifting or have shifted, I'd like to hear your experiences, methods used and other things. Like what the people from the world you visited were like or how you scripted them to be like. Obviously, I want to hear about HxH, but other universes are fine too!

If you have NO clue what I am talk about, I'll make another page dedicated to what I have learned so far from shifting. Or just ask people in comments. Your best bet is to join an amino group.

And for anyone wanting to shift, let this be your sign! Claim it with positivity. Tomorrow is a special day for manifestations, shifting and meditating.
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999
12, 21, 2020 is The Great Conjunction!

"The Great conjunction occurs every twenty years or so, and is when both Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the zodiac.

The Great Conjunction represents a changing of an era, and a time where we shift our way of viewing the world.

As our world view changes, so too does society and the way we choose to approach things.

While the Great Conjunction happens every couple of decades, the 2020 alignment opens the door to an even bigger cycle.

For the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been aligning only in earth signs, but this year, on December 21st, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will align in the air sign of Aquarius."

Source: https://foreverconscious.com/the-cosmic-and-spiritual-significance-of-december-21-2020

Just a reminder, please never try to manifest fictional characters. You will most likely manifest a demon in that form. Try manifesting someone who looks like them and has their mannerisms to come into your life instead.

Edit: If you do use scripting (optional) can you drop some cool scripting ideas?

I'll let y'all know if I shifted to HXH. I'm not scripting relationships, btw.
These are real people on an alternate timeline/universe. So don't be an asshole.

Vote, comment and tag other users to get this info across. ❤️💋 Good luck!

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