Seth walked up on Fitz trying to fix the cargo bay door, it having been blown open by HYDRA.

"You need to replace the grounding wires," Seth and Simmons said simultaneously, the latter surprised when Seth's voice joined hers.

"There's no time," Fitz countered, "Ramp needs to be repaired by the end of the day. Coulson's orders."

"What," Simmons asked, "Are they even proper orders? S.H.I.E.LD.'s been destroyed, Fury's dead. Aren't they just requests?"

"Well, either way, I'm in the middle of it," Fitz grumbled, "Stator, please."

Seth put the component in his hand.

"Well, he's certainly not taking his orders from anyone," Simmons continued, "We have no jurisdiction now that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been labeled a terrorist organization."

"Powers that be will sort that out," Fitz responded.

Seth grunted in agreement, knowing that he would most certainly be one of those 'powers.'

"All we can do is fix one thing at a time," Fitz assured, "Starting with this servo drive."

"Yeah, you're right," Simmons relented, "However--"

"You will have to replace those grounding wires," Seth and Simmons said together again, sharing a look before the biochemist tucked a hair behind her ear.

"It's fine," Fitz turned to Tripp, "Okay, turn it on."

Tripp hit a button on the wall, Fitz's 'repairs' spitting sparks at everyone.

Seth quickly pulled Simmons back by her waist, the biochemist flushing red and letting out a little yelp as the two backpedaled a couple of steps.

Fitz screamed, "Turn it off!"

Tripp hit the same button, stopping the shower of sparks before walking over, "You need to replace the grounding wires."

"You need to shush," Fitz pointed his flashlight at Tripp before turning it to Seth and Simmons, the former's hands still on Simmons' hips from where he pulled her away from the sparks.

Fitz swiveled his flashlight to the pair, "Shush, all of you. Ganging up on me, sheesh, think you're so smart? Well, why don't you try to fix it?"

He muttered the rest as he retreated into the bowels of the plane, Tripp following nearly immediately.

Simmons wiggled out of Seth's grasp, turning to face the specialist, trying to extinguish the heat in her cheeks.

"Wh--What are you doing here," She stuttered out.

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