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Seth stood next to Coulson as they watched news footage of helicarriers raining down on Washington D.C. Seth was back in his regular kit, his Chimaera gear stowed in his room on the Bus.

"Today, world leaders are scrambling for answers after the world's most advanced spy agency was crippled after a series of attacks. The president contends that this is the biggest intelligence leak..."

"Sir," An agent reported to Coulson.

"Find agent Martin," Coulson directed, "We need a backchannel to the U.N., someone we trust."

She nodded before walking away, Skye walking in not a second later.

"I made a list of S.H.I.E.L.D. bases we believe are secure," She tapped on her tablet."

"How many so far," Coulson asked, "Seven?"


"Plus the Hub," Coulson said.

"Including the Hub," Skye cautiously responded, "It's a preliminary list. I'm sure more will turn up."

"The Iliad," Seth asked.

She looked back down at her tablet, "Uh...No."

Seth nodded before pulling out a satphone and stepping out into the hallway.

"Come on, Bobbi," Seth muttered into his satphone, his only response was the dial tone.

"Seth," May asked, stopping on her way to talk to Coulson.

"Damn it," He hung the phone up, making a decision then and there.

May cocked her head in curiosity, "What's going on in there?"

"I need on the Iliad," Seth answered immediately, his hands instinctively reaching for his fiancée's weapon.

"Think this out," May cautioned.

"You remember what I told you about my mother," He asked out of nowhere.

She nodded, face turning concerned. Seth never mentioned his parents around her unless it was serious.

"The thing she was so afraid of...That's on the Iliad, and if HYDRA gets ahold of it, we're gonna have problems."

He held out his hand, placing a memory drive in May's and closing her fingers around it, "If you don't hear from me--"

"Come back," She ordered.

"No promises in combat," He nodded before heading to the Bus to pick up some more supplies before talking to Coulson about it.

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