Taken to School

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Annabeth had never hated mortals more. Specifically, one group of mortals.

It was 10 in the morning, and Annabeth was practicing Archery with Chiron. Percy was next to her, trying hard but almost constantly missing, along with Katie and Will. Butch and Jason was meant to be here, but a few days ago Butch went missing, and Jason and Leo were tasked to look for him around camp. Everyone was worried, because Butch was nice and friendly to everyone, despite the teases and jokes he gets from his mum being Iris, and they didn't want to lose him.

"Percy, are you even concentrating?" Chiron said, smiling slightly.

"I am! Just that it's so hard to pull this string!" Percy complained.

"No one but you is having any trouble."

"Yeah but'--!"


Percy was interrupted by the arrival of a helicopter and a huge blast that started a fire among the cabins. They all dropped our bows and ran towards the disruption. There were campers with buckets of water already, and they were trying to douse the fire. Percy ran to the lake and made the water into a wave, before crashing it over the cabins and soaking campers. The fire was out in seconds, but apparently the danger was not. Annabeth looked at the helicopter, and she saw a woman and a man with a gun standing at the door.

"Hello Camp Half-Blood!" The woman cried, face alight with glee."Assemble here!" They all hurried over to it, which was hovering over Thalia's Pine Tree. Soon all of the camp members were there, looking worried and tense. "You must all know about a missing camper? Butch? And you must be wondering how a mere mortal can see you and your camp. Let me explain."

Percy walked up next to her, gripping her hand. "I think she threw that bomb." He murmured. Annabeth nodded, grim.

"I managed to capture him, and give him this new mix of Truth serum we've made. We got so much information from him about this camp and the Greek gods! It was amazing, as if opening up a whole new subject in which we can explore. We scientists, or white-coats, whichever, wanted to do some tests and see how different you are from the average mortal.

Sadly, this Truth serum has poison in it, so it's like you tell the truth then die. Therefore little Butch died painfully. But no matter, he was only a son of Iris, a minor goddess." There were angry yells and muttering when she mentioned Butch's sad death. Annabeth was one of them, and she was furious at how indifferent she was to it.

"The good news, for us anyway, is that this camp have more children that have more important parents." She said, steadily ignoring our increasing shouts of anger. She yelled something else, but by now no one was listening. The lady leaned in to the man, whispering something coldly. He nodded, aimed his gun, and shot…

"No!" Annabeth yelled and started running a second before he pulled the trigger. The bullet went into Chiron's back leg, and he collapsed, shocked and pained. She was next to him in seconds, trying to help him up. "Will! Go get some bandages and medicine!" He nodded and ran off. Percy was on the other side of Chiron, helping Annabeth to get Chiron seated in a more comfortable position.

"I don't like to be ignored or yelled over." The lady said, her eyes glinting coldly, almost an exact replica of Khione's, if Piper, Leo and Jason had described correctly. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I'm Anne Walker, the boss of the new School we've made. Now, you all just listen quietly, or else your teacher Chiron will be leaving this earth for good. And before you make some plan to attack the gunman first then me, do remember that there are hidden guns that will blast you all and your camp into smithereens.

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